If love doesn't come from each of us, who does it come from? Many in the religious sphere talk about God's love for us, which to many is nothing more than word play. There is no tangible evidence of love without human hands, heart, and soul. As I love to say, let's take a journey for a few minutes.
I have honestly written and deleted this blog four times time. I was trying so hard to make it a plausible rendition of what love should be more so than what it is. I was spinning a narrative instead of cutting right into reality. Let me take the gloves off and go straight for the heart.
There are over 15 million documented people in America that consider them Non Religious, agnostic, or on the fringe of something. With the decline in church attendance over the years I personally think this number to be conservative. People, just like you and I, have stopped seeking love in the very place we were taught displayed it. No question ideologies are abound with in the faith spectrum. I would never debate that their is great work being done in those organizations, but there are huge numbers of people not being reached or being left behind.
Active members of these clubs tend to blame the non members for leaving or not joining. I liken that to a broken relationship. Depending on who you talk to it is always the other persons fault. To me, and this is just my opinion, it doesn't matter who is at fault. When LOVE is not being shared or displayed, we as a species have it wrong. We can disagree on many things, but facts don't lie and churches are fighting a loosing battle simple as that. Assuming they have no desire to change the way they claim to promote and extend love. When true love is more powerful than doctrine and dogma and the PERSON is more important than the club, hope can and will be restored. Otherwise the biggest losers are the people that feel they have no place left to turn.
I could write forever about LOVE but all I am trying to say is this, people all around you, and it may even be you, are hurting. We have the opportunity and the ability to ease that pain. All it takes is a genuine caring heart that is ready, willing, and able to share LOVE. We all sin, yes that includes you, we all have our own thoughts of who, what, and where, we should or should not worship. But in the end it is the love we display to our fellow humans that provides hope that they, we, can once again live life forward. Why would we ever desire to ignore, exclude, or make fun of someone just because they think, act, speak, or look different than we do? Love is an amazing uniting link to the human heart. With over 30, 000 variations of Christian churches I think it is obvious that what we strive to believe divides more than it unites. But that is totally irrelevant because the expression of love comes from with in our heart and soul. It is an internal function that is expressed in an external form.
I am not sure if you have ever been on chemo, but I bet you know someone that has. When the reality of the situation sets in, all the materialism, ego, and self centered behavior usually cedes. Survival is the main thing. That same scenario can be said for loneliness, broken hearts, hiding addiction, etc. Pain is real, but so is hope. The problem is hope comes from LOVE and love comes from us. I bet by now you are starting to figure out that this blog is about love.
Let me try to bring this to some kind of summation. We are all in this together. We can choose to be part of the divisive attitude that is permeating through our churches, families, and communities, or we can be the LOVE solution. Do not take someone's emotions for granted. Silent screams and pleas are usually the loudest. It isn't institutions that will bring hope to the hopeless it is you. If you happen to be the one screaming silently, I promise you will be heard. LOVE is an unstoppable force when allowed to be guided by the human heart. When you feel someone showering you with love, I urge you to pay that feeling forward when and where you can. Together we can heal many wounds that have gotten infected by lack of care. We've got this, come on climb on the Love Train and let's get moving.
God bless