Bring me Peace

As of today I have written 595 blogs. They have been read by literally hundreds of thousands of people world wide. Several years back I made the decision to write from the heart instead of writing to please. This launched me into uncharted territories yet something was and still is amiss. As I sought authenticity with my life it became clear that I have been reticent with my feelings. If stage one of my writing was to please everyone and stage two was from the heart, the next stage will be a discovery of my authentic self. I will crack open a door to my thoughts and I hope you will walk in and engage with me. If nothing else it would be wonderful if you too found the courage to bring to life your legitimate credible self. 

I love to write, I love to challenge everything I opined about. There was a time that I accepted everything as either factual or at the minimum not worth debating about. That lead to a rather bland existence. Once I ascertained that I could bring forth freedom from societal bondage simply by having open mitigating dialogue with myself or like minded people, my world opened up in new and exciting ways. 

I was no different than anyone else. I had my thoughts that questioned everything about creationism as well as evolution. It was difficult to bring such topics to an open forum to stimulate friendly dialogue. Yet somehow through interesting circumstances the conversation found me. Over the last several months I have reached countless like minded people that sought a safe venue for life discussions. As I progress forward I will share openly some of the topics we have tossed on the table.
In the mean time let me share some of my literature I love to write. This particular song or poem has very deep meaning. It is about finding courage in the darkness and giving life back to yourself. It's called "Bring me Peace" 

Where have you been hiding all your life
why have you forsaken the light for the darkness
Every hope has it's roots
Yet the rain seems so far away

Bring me life, bring me peace, bring me courage to be free
lift me up, bring me down
bring me  life, bring me peace, bring me courage to be free

The road is open yet so narrow
time stands still but the sand keeps falling
you may be blind but your soul is seeking
come back to me and let me be

Bring me life, bring me peace, bring me courage to be free
lift me up, bring me down
bring me life, bring me peace, bring me courage to be ME

I'am ALIVE, I am FREE 
I have the courage to be ME
You can't stop me now
I've been released
Now I'll fly high just to SEE
Bring me life, bring me peace, bring me courage to be free
lift me up, bring me down
Bring me life, bring me peace, bring me courage to be ME

Blessings to all and please keep the conversations coming. Feel free to write me anytime at



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