Dead Fish Go with the flow

There is an old saying that goes like this: "if God wants you to grow he will make you uncomfortable". I'll admit the last two weeks I have been rather uncomfortable and who knows you might be as well. I have a friend that was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She went to the hospital with some stomach pains, never considering cancer to be a possibility much less something that severe. The unexpected curve ball, right.

Another friend is struggling mightily with addiction issues, he was working his heart out to claim victory over this terrible enemy. Well if that wasn't enough this past week he lost his job. That's what you call a double whammy if there ever was one. Where is God, he asked.

Yet another friend that I am close to is battling depression and anxiety. Most just tell her to suck it up and get over it without taking the time to listen to what she is dealing with. In her eyes no one cares enough to see her, they only see a human that is too weak to overcome what they think is minor issues. Who is God, that is a question she would love an answer too.

These are monumental problems, not to be laughed at or made light of. This is life and death to these people. I must ask you a simple yet profound question. How many people have you encountered today and never actually saw? I realize you saw a human being but did you see the person? We are all so dead to the world around us that we can't see LIFE right before our eyes. The truth is, we don't want to see it either. The last think we need is someone to share their dramatic feelings with us. I mean, seriously, who wants to get their hands dirty this day and age The easier thing to do is just say "I'll pray for you".  That should be enough shouldn't it? That's what everyone else says, heck just follow the crowd and before you know it we are all DEAD.

My goal as I struggle through the effects of cancer treatment is to come ALIVE in ways I never felt I could before. I want to share with people that their lives matter, that they too can be risen from the dead and be ALIVE. No, I am not talking about a religious experience, I am talking about discovering the spiritual being that is inside you desperately seeking to escape.

So many people go through the motions of life breathing but not ALIVE. Why? Because it is what everyone else does. Jesus said "would you not leave the 99 for the sake of the one". You know the answer as well as I do. That would been taking the low road while everyone else took the high road. The way we live today the one is irrelevant, we will pray for that one, but we have to cater to the 99. Think about what I am saying please.  You, yourself, may be part of the walking dead. Your career, your marriage, your dreams, might all be stagnant. You could even be at your wits end and just trying to get through each day as best you can. Believe me, there are plenty of people that will gladly share those woes with you. For some odd reason the dead attract the dead, misery loves company. Guess what? Folks that have come ALIVE attract alive people into their lives. The view is so much better, the air is crisper, dreams are restored, hope is renewed, and before you know it life takes on passionate meaning again.  This isn't some fairy tale pipe dream. We can and will come ALIVE.

How do you come alive. First realize that God made you uncomfortable to push you to grow. Are you uncomfortable with where you are in life? If so God is screaming and you aren't listening. Be receptive. He will not do it for you. Miracles only happen when you participate. Let me briefly share what ALIVE means to me and hopefully it will come to mean something to you.

A is for authentic, you absolutely must be honest with yourself and your feelings. If you can't trust the person in the mirror, living ALIVE will be near impossible. You can do it, give it a try. I don't care how many lies you have told yourself, those days are over, it is time for authenticity to guide your heart and soul.

L is for love, I personally  struggle to grasp how to love God but I totally get how to love my neighbor as myself. It is imperative that you love the person that you will be with the rest of your life. You can't fully love another until you learn to love yourself. I know this goes against the grain, but you can do it. Begin by putting positive stuff in your mind. Feed yourself with things that will make you glow, grow, and stand out. Back to how to love God. I believe it is a great day when we can allow God to love others through us. That is ALIVE. STOP right now allowing others to place you on the clearance rack of life. We are raising our price.

I is for imagine. From this day forward imagine yourself living ALIVE. Don't waste to much time looking back, live fully into the day as you imagine how wonderful, powerful, and ALIVE your future will be. Our imagination is one of the greatest gifts our God bestowed on us. Please use it in such a way that waters your flower so you can bloom ALIVE

V is for victory.  Everyone that is on social media seems to enjoy adapting a victim mentality. You've seen the stupid post that say something like "to the man in the blue truck that just cut me off".  Now seriously was that person really writing to the man in the  blue truck. NO, they needed someone to validate their victim mentality. You can't be a victor when you waste time being a victim. How about this one "to the person working the drive through, all I wanted was a coke and you gave me tea" you know what I am talking about. VICTIM POSTING CREATES VICTIM LIVING. From this day forward we will be positive or be quite. I have been posting on social media daily for 11 years and never once wrote anything negative.  I choose to be positive no matter what life is throwing me, you can choose to as well.

E is for enjoy.  We weren't created to live forever but we were created to live. It isn't complicated to enjoy life, it just takes focus and effort. I battle every single day the effects of where my cancer has spread as well as the treatments I am on. It is difficult to say the least, but I choose to enjoy live no matter what is thrown at me. I will live ALIVE as long as I am breathing. This is the only life you have why not enjoy it. When you learn to elevate yourself in a loving enjoyable way, others will do the same. Before long we have a love movement going on. We will be ALIVE

I hope you will stare down your demons as best you can and start the task of coming ALIVE. Not only is your life worth living, you deserve it. God didn't create you to go with the crowd. Remember this quote "only dead fish go with the flow". We aren't dead any longer we are ALIVE

God bless


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