The Hurt and The Healer

For the sake of conversation let's assume that 90% of the people we come in contact with are hurting either physically, spiritually, or emotionally. Keep in mind that it is possible that we may be one of the 90% to others. Basically, I am saying that most people are dealing with something that is weighing heavily on them. 

I was writing this blog early this morning, for some reason I could not find the words I was looking for to bring my thoughts together. So, I took a break for several hours, and now I have returned. Interestingly enough though, everything is different now. During this hiatus I went and visited a friend that was recently diagnosed with cancer. I could sense the hurt in every realm of which she spoke. She was physically wore out, emotionally drained, and spiritually void, at the moment. This visit redirected where I was intending to take this blog.

If, as I stated above that 90% of people in whom we come in contact are hurting, what is our role in their lives. Is it mere chance our paths cross or is it possible that something much bigger is at play. What if,  just what if, some of our momentary connections in life are by divine appointment. I know, this could be far fetched, yet it is possible and it is that possibility that can restore hope to the hopeless and healing to the hurt.

Think about the times in your life when you were living a lie. Might be in the past, could be current, regardless, let's take a closer look. The lies we live are so filled with adrenaline and guilt, pleasure and pain, exhilarating yet shackled. Needless to say you know what I am talking about. You have been on the edge of that cliff wondering if you can ever face the demons that have tormented your life  or is it easier to just jump and end it all. That jump doesn't necessarily have to be literal, it may be the total surrender to the destruction that is ripping you apart. It may be the giving in to the hurt that has keep you locked in the sinners prison. Instead of jumping off the cliff you threw away the key to the lock that held you bound. At least, your eyes, it will all be over soon. 

What often seems like a sad terrible ending is often a wonderful new beginning. Even if you threw away the key, there is still hope. How can I say that? Because healers exist all around you. Friends you felt didn't care are at the cliff with you, standing back watching what your next move will be. Family is on both sides with hands extended prepared to welcome you back to the land of the living. At this point, you are the Prodigal, and the choice is yours. Jump, throw the key, or turn around and face the ones that can share the burden. You may be saying to yourself "if they care, why don't they do something". They are doing something, they are there. See you thought you were alone, you thought your lie was a secret. The truth is they the hurt and they still love you. Returning from the dead will not be easy, but it sure beats not living up to the potential God placed in you.

Healers are all around us, but it takes us walking into the ER of life to get help. As I say week after week that we absolutely have to be active participants in the miracles we pray for. The healers are the hands and feet of God, ready, willing, and able to throw you a life line, but you have to be prepared to catch it. Life is never too far gone as long as you have breath in your body. If 90% of the people we come in contact with are hurting, then we must be the healers. Yes, it is divine appointment that you are reading this as much as it is that I am writing it. 

Repeat to yourself many times a day as you look in the mirror "I am worthy,  I am not a loser, my life has meaning, I matter". In the words of the wonderful Christian musician Michael W Smith "this is how I fight my battles". Or in the song by Mercy Me "The Hurt and The Healer Collide". Friends we just collided, your hurts may have defined your life to this point, but they are not the conclusion to your story. God has placed healers in your life by divine appointment, be receptive to their help. The best days of your life are waiting to be lived. 

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always love sharing life hurts, healings, and miracles

God bless
Dale Childress


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