Where Are you, RIGHT NOW
If I were to ask you "where are you", what would your response be. I guess I should qualify that question a bit more. I am not looking for your physical location, I am asking where are you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Before you create some pseudo superficial answer, at least give it some thought and careful meditation. Let's just say your future hinges on the feedback you give to yourself.
When was the last time you looked in the mirror and you were proud of the person staring back? When I say proud I mean you feel respect for who you are evolving into. If it is anything less than respect you may be struggling with where you are. I mentioned above that I wasn't concerned with your physical location, however there are small exceptions to that. If your physical location is impacting you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, then it is relevant to where you are.
I love the line in Mercy Me's song "Even If'" that goes like this: "it only takes a little faith to move a mountain, good thing, cause a little faith is all I have right now". You ever felt that way? Little faith, no faith, get the hell out of my way, leave me the heck alone, etc. When you are in a bad place, what others say is merely lip service, isn't it. I'll pray for you, no you want; shut up. Call if you ever need anything, yea right. When our heart is cool it is difficult to feel the warmth of others.
Where are you? Struggle is real, hopelessness hides behind many smiling faces, darkness lurks ever so closely, can anyone see me, RIGHT NOW. I know where I am, you say. I screwed it all up, again. When I finally feel like I get life on track and I feel good about what I am doing for myself and others, for some odd reason I drift away from the very things that makes me feel good. Sound familiar?
Take a minute RIGHT NOW and reflect on exactly where you are, but this time be honest.
I can't believe in a God I cannot feel. Spirituality is a joke, I sure don't feel a warm easy feeling in my heart and soul. Mentally, I am fried, I just go through the motions and hope I don't mess up anything worse than I already have. I'm beat down, life is hopeless, what's the use.
Those emotions and feelings are real aren't they? I see it everyday in the eyes of the people I come in contact with. They are searching for love, hope, peace, any semblance of a life preserver. But you didn't know is that we are the ones called to do the work did you. Yes even in our broken state, we are the called, we are the chosen. WHAT? That's right, even in our deepest pit, we are called.
On this beautiful place we call earth, in our wonderful communities, and in our precious homes, we are the hands, feet, and love of God. It is said that it is a beautiful day every time we allow God to love others through us. Even If our life feels like it is spiraling out of control we are still called to do the service of God to elevate others.
One thing I have learned over my 56 years of life, through many dangers, toils and snares is that we have survived every single thing thrown at us. We were born to win, not to lose. We were born to LIVE not to die. Our job is to LOVE people EXACTLY where they are. To take our lives back we must live forward with a keen eye on the wisdom from yesterday. Yes we have hurt and yes we have been hurt. This isn't the time to wait for others to make amends, it is up to us to extend a genuine hand of love, regardless whether or not it is reciprocated. This is your life, you are planted in rich fertile soil, the weeds have been removed, the healing rain is pouring down. What you do going forward is a choice only you can make.
You may ask yourself RIGHT NOW what can I do to be a part of this miracle you are writing about. First, go back to the mirror and tell the person staring back "I LOVE YOU". Say it again and again until your heart and soul receives the message. Then admit where you are. How much baggage you brought to the party is irrelevant at this point. You are unpacking and taking your life back, one minute, one day, one week, one breath at a time.
Your life matters, more than you will ever know. Not only do you need you to be emotionally, mentally, and spiritually healthy, the world around you does too. Once you allow others to shine God into you, amazing things will begin to happen. Will it be easy, HELL NO, taking control of your life will be the hardest thing you have ever done, yet the most rewarding.
Where are you? Only you know the truth. I hope today you will find the desire to love the only person you will be with all your life, and that person is you. You are not a failure, even if you have failed at many things. You are not a loser, even if you have lost a few battles. You are not worthless, even if you have placed yourself on the clearance rack of life. You my friend are God's Greatest Miracle. Every single thing you have experienced to this point has placed you in a perfect position to come ALIVE. I'm excited for the person you are about to become, but not near as excited as you will be when you feel your beautiful life bloom. LIVE my friend RIGHT NOW.
God Bless and much love