Bridges of Belief
It's hard to believe I have written 640 blogs over the last 11 years. What's more amazing is the wild array of topics I have covered, all in the name of hope and spirituality. Even more interesting as I look back was how much I tried to convince myself that I was writing my authentic feelings and emotions. Now, it is clear, that in many cases that simply wasn't true. I was penning to an audience that I felt needed to be guided toward a truth, I myself wasn't sure existed. In light of that, I will attempt, as I may, to uncover some of the thoughts that I have allowed to be locked away for far to long. Basically, I am going to make my self vulnerable in order to fly.
My name is Dale and I am a faithful believer in?????????????? Yep that's where the story gets confusing. Admittedly I have tried hard to square the circle of what I believe, however as the claims get crazier, the more I dig, the more difficult things become. Maybe I should remove the word "Faithful" and just say believer. My name is Dale and I am a believer in??? It's still complex if and when I choose to be honest with myself.
I mean, what the hell am I really trying to figure out anyway. Do life's most challenging questions really have answers? Seriously, now, you be honest too. This is about me, but, we are in this together. I can't help but to believe that you also have questions as to what you are a believer in.
Trust me, I know I am treading on thin ice as I walk further out into the frozen tundra of deep thinking. But dang, how are we ever supposed to find the solutions to the greatest mysteries of life if we aren't allowed to openly explore the possibilities. Why is fear so prevalent in this all to human pursuit of meaning.
Even though I have yet to mention what I am even talking about, you know exactly where I am going. Look, here is my dilemma. I, like you, have prayed for several things in my life. Not so much for myself (even though I have prayed personal prayers) as much as for others. I look around and I see the terrible inequality that exists everywhere. People are starving to death by the thousands worldwide, on a daily basis. Others live in conditions we would find horrid. Where is God in all this. Sure sure we can recite the worn out cliche that everything is in God's time not ours. But what the hell did the people with NO HOPE do to deserve what is happening to them. Don't discount this and don't try to explain it away.
Let's get real for just a minute. You know as well as I do, that you yourself or someone you know is fighting a battle that seems so unfair. You keep praying for hope, or just to catch a break, and things only seem to get worse. WHY? A few days ago as I drove past a cemetery I got to thinking about something. All of those head stones represented a person that lived among us at some point and time. They had a life, they had a story, they had hopes, they had dreams. As I allowed my mind to ponder, I also wondered how many of those buried took their unsung songs with them. How many stories were never written, dreams never realized, hope never restored, pictures never painted, or relationships never mended. How many died broken emotionally and spiritually and now possibly forgotten forever.
Back to where I started, well kind of started. My name is Dale and I am a faithful believer in GOD. Yes, I really am, but let me make it make sense. That is make sense to me anyway. I have rationalized every way I possibly can to figure out man's search for meaning. In such a way that reflects my belief in God my creator. Here is what I came up with. LOVE your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. I struggle with that, I am just being honest folks. However what comes next is the climax of my belief. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. What, is it that simple. Honestly, yes, it truly is. The nexus of humanity, and the hope for our future lies in that statement. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
We, please focus, WE ARE THE HANDS AND FEET OF THE LOVING GOD. We are the difference in the world. We can stop hunger, we can restore hope, we can encourage the songs to be sung, the books to be written, the dreams to be pursued. Collectively we are the answers to so many prayers. God did his work, he created us to be active participants in the miracles we expect. Look at what happens when good people DO NOTHING. We are called to act with love and compassion to our fellow human beings. God is alive, through us, the heart of hope is beating. We are breathing which means we are ALIVE. Do not discount your responsibility in resurrecting hope. Together we make all the difference in the world. It doesn't take the legalism of religion to tell us what to do, it takes a core belief that all people are priceless. It is said that the last thing a person loses is HOPE. Let's be the hands and feet of the loving God that created us. Let's breath life back into the hearts of the downtrodden.
As you go through your day, week, and year, start looking for ways to make a positive difference in the lives of those of whom you come in contact with. See the person, feel the heartbeat, sense the struggle, extend warmth and compassion and watch the dead come back to life.
God bless