Sowing the Seeds of Doubt

It's hard to believe that it has been 5 months since I wrote my last blog. For those unfamiliar there was a time I wrote at a minimum once per week. So much has happened this year that has made me question everything. Usually during these difficult times I seem to do my best writing, but not this time. It's weird because I haven't been bitter, I've just been indifferent. That is until today.

Before you think that something eye popping must have happened that brought me back to reality, it didn't. I have been asked by a local church to share my story, my most recent story that is. That shouldn't be to hard, beings my cancer came back and spread. My trips to the hospital, treatments, as well as the amazing people I met on this journey should provide more than enough material to talk about. BUT, I knew, I knew, I knew, that what I ever I talked about would not be my authentic feelings. Sure, I would get away with it, but I would walk away knowing the truth was still hidden deep inside. You can relate to this can't you?

I love to study and research, especially as it pertains to church and religion. Many of my past blogs have been written about this quest of knowledge I constantly find myself on. Over the last year or maybe a little longer the question kept coming to mind, is there a God as described in our religions. Trust me, I know that is considered dangerous territory. Regardless, it was a trek I absolutely had to take. I was not only sowing the seeds of doubt, I was giving them all the nutrients they needed to grow.

If there is a God, why aren't prayers answered? Why do Christians, or whatever religion, have to say the craziest things. Like, God answers prayers three ways, yes, no, or not now. What the heck does that mean. This imaginary God sure can't lose with that lame answer. I also got to thinking about habits like praying for thanksgiving before meals. I mean, come on, there are people by the thousands that are serious Christians dying of starvation everyday. Yes they are praying to the same God we give thanks too. What about that? I'm assuming there are other lame excuses we make for God that will at least make us feel good, right. Closer to home? I knew several people that have lost their personal battles with cancer, WHILE their church was having prayer chains. Begs the question, CAN God cure cancer, or WILL HE? Please do not give me the one example where someone was cured. I hate it when that is thrown in people's face. For everyone that somehow survived the odds keep in mind 99.9% do not. I am only referring to those with terminal illness. Statistically 67% of all people in the modern world survive cancer at least ten years, I know that. That my friends is the advancement in medicine not God. Put that in perspective, would you take treatment or trust that God, with proper prayer, will cure you. Something to ponder. By the way God did not create medicine and for the record a high number of scientist that invent the very things that sustain life, are atheist.

I used my examples for this blog, there is little doubt, that you have examples of your own. You know the things that make you sow the seeds of doubt. I am writing about the things many of you think about yet FEAR keeps it hidden. You have plenty of doubts yourself. You know it's true. Remember I said doubt, until today. So what happened, right. Please pay attention because this is the important part.

God does not and I repeat does not desire for people to suffer. Yes these bodies we inhabit are terminal, they will not last forever, we know that. It is part of the design. I am positive it hurts the very heart of God to see innocent children suffer horrific death due to starvation. Even worse are the parents, that are believers, that have to witness the suffering, all the while praying earnestly. Why, you may ask isn't God listening. Trust me I ask that question over and over. I believe God is not only listening, he is watching, with tears in his eyes. Here is the truth as I see it. God created this beautiful world for his mosts amazing creation, us humans, to live and thrive with FREE WILL. I believe God thought that his love, that we are endowed with, would make free will grow in the most wonderful of ways. It did and it still does. Yet for SOME in God's creation there is a since of entitlement. Yes, I said it. I to believe we should appreciate some of the prosperity afforded us, but, but, but, what if while we soak up the good life, others are suffering. As we get to the end of this blog let this resonate in you. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GOOD PEOPLE DO NOTHING?

Did you catch that? Yes we are called to be the hands and feet of God. If we know people are suffering, don't just pray for them, do something. There is so much prosperity in this world that no one should ever go hungry. God created us and placed within us the ability to solve any human suffering that exists. Somehow somewhere we got greedy and needed more and more material things. I mean, seriously, we can give money to church and charities, isn't that why they exist. YES but it is also why YOU EXIST. Together, with the common goal, of sharing love and resources, us humans can solve anything. God isn't sitting idly by while people die, oh no. He has placed his heart in us with the hope that we do the right thing. It isn't just the suffering that breaks the heart of God, it is people like you and I who do nothing. Stop the misuse of the term Christian, let's strive to be Christ like. If that is our goal, love will begin to heal the wounds of the suffering. It's up to all of us. I hope that the reminder of my life is used in such a way that restores hope in humanity. There is so much work to be done and we are the messengers and laborers called to do it.

I now pray to God daily to give me strength, not to heal me from my health issues,  I pray for wisdom so I can understand what I need to do. I do not pray that my meal be blessed, the fact that food is even there is already a blessing. God is love, pure holy agape love. We are made in his image. We have free will. We can use it to show the world the heart of God,  or we can sit back enjoy our comforts, convince ourselves that we deserve it, all the while doing nothing to help God's people that are suffering. They are praying to God and God is begging us. Do something.

God bless


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