Heaven and Hell

I can't speak for your area of the country but here in my portion of West TN we are experiencing a fairly extreme drought. As I went about my day I got to pondering how many people experience droughts of faith. The more I thought the more I allowed my brain to go way down deep into the recesses of my mind where we are advised not to go. I surprised at how much I have tried to mask my own droughts. Even more interesting are the places I searched for water, soul quenching cool spring water.

Check out this thought, do you believe in heaven? Come on now think about that before you give the old standard standby answer. Do you really believe there is a heaven? If so what makes you believe it? Have you personally met someone that went there checked it out and came back to tell you how grand it is? Before you create an opinion of me let me just say I believe in heaven. I have personally witnessed the love of Christ in dying people. The most amazing peace comes over them as they move from this place to another that is obviously inviting. Sounds like a place I will call heaven.

How about hell, the eternal inferno for those human sins we commit. Eternal, do you know what that word means. It is bigger, longer, deeper and broader than forever. It is a long darn time. If you (me), (we), believed that hell was so dang bad would anyone of us even consider doing anything remotely bad. Again give thought to this before you answer the question. Oh, one more thing on the hell topic, what sin sends you there? If memory serves me right we are all sinners and I seriously doubt every person reading this begs forgiveness several times per day. So where does that leave us if Dante's inferno is real. 

When you are having those droughts of faith heaven and hell seem like adventure novels. So many things can cause a drought. Life just dumps a huge load of crap on you everyday and you think to yourself, God why me. 

Is your faith in a drought or ever been in one? Mine sure as heck has. I will say that sometimes my lack of water was self inflicted. I found myself following people and teachings that honestly made little to no sense yet I defended it anyway. Then come to find out when you study far enough you realize that the truth is so subjective. With that, what is the truth as it relates to faith anyway? 

Here are my parting words of wisdom. I enjoy writing to make people think. I want you to dig deep down and discover that spiritual being that God created. No mysteries that can't be explained just simple love of life and people. God placed in you the ability to know right from wrong. For those that love the Gospels as I do it is easy to see that the teachings that Jesus repeats over and over are to love and forgive. 

Heaven and hell? Well I will let you use your own mind to figure out how to get there and which one you want to go to. Have fun and please share some thoughts with me. 

I really do care about your faith journey especially if you are in a drought. I promise this, in your exploration of self, faith, and spiritual love the graces disguised will reveal more to you than you ever imagined. What is truth? God is truth pure and simple. 

peace to you


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