The Great Debate

Everyone seems to be debating about something. It is either politics, religion, the state of the school systems, the environment, or the economy. All good conversation pieces no doubt but what does it get you. From my vantage point the debates bring division not unity. When a debate on one of these topics arises everyone has an opinion and theirs is RIGHT.

I bet each of you can recall religious or political debates you have been engaged in to where each person has their view and it will not change. You see those are not healthy debates those are arguments that tend to divide.

To me the great debate is about our spiritual being and faith development. The reason I say that is because it is the foundation of our character as well as moral fiber. Spiritual does not mean religious and faith is not based on the church you attend. We were born with a genetic disposition to be spiritual. Along the way as the trials of life ensue our faith begins to mature.

As we grow into our own the spiritual maturity and faith development can take several detours but in the end more times than not God's plan comes together. You see our free will intersects with God's plan many times in our lives and at some point that cross section sticks and our wow factor kicks in. When it does great things happen and the ultimate life debate begins.

Once we encounter God the debate then becomes between us and him. Do I follow or do I run. It is built with in us to conquer and divide which was opposite of what it means to follow God. So how do we handle this great debate that wells up inside us when the two roads come together.

The honest answer to this debate is usually found in your state of being at the time of the intersection. People tend to lean towards God when they are down and broken or lost and forsaken. The beauty of that is this, God is there in the tough times to bring comfort when you need it the most. Our humanity most likely will not allow us to follow all of our lives because we have dreams, egos, and selfishness that have to be dealt with on a daily basis. In my humble hippie opinion the only way to win the debate with God is to allow him in your life every single day.

This is one of those reflections that I am not going to write an ending because we each have our own internal debate. I prefer you to write your own conclusion and hopefully some will share how they handle the great debate in their own lives.

peace to you


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