A Conversation with the Devil part 3

I will admit I learned quiet a bit writing this Conversation with the Devil and now today I am ready to tackle some fresh questions. Let's see if we get some more answers.

Dale- Good morning Devil and thank you once again for your time
Devil- Good morning to you Dale and thank you for inviting me back. Not many folks want to sit down and talk to me.

Dale- Well I can understand that, I mean you are the messenger of death aren't you?
Devil- That is one of my many labels I suppose

Dale- I have been thinking about something, obviously us humans are, well, human, which means we have a tendency towards sin and temptation. It almost seems mythological that Jesus is the good God and you are the bad. Doesn't our natural humanity create our temptations without you being involved.
Devil- Absolutely it does, as I have said in both of our discussions all I want to do is create self doubt in you that slowly eats away at your hopes and dreams. Every human temptation that you face is not of my making.

Dale- now my curiosity is aroused, so let me understand, you are not directly involved in every bad that we do?  I know I have ask that question before but I want to go there one more time.
Devil- let me be clear on this one Dale since you are struggling with it. Your life is your life, it is made of experiences that develop your character, in no way do I follow people around like a dog trying to make them do things. I cease opportunities when I see it. When I see a weakness that looks like it can be exploited I go after it.

Dale- I still don't guess I understand, maybe it is too complicated for me.
Devil- Well I am having some fun being vague this morning too. Let's get serious for a minute Dale beings that this seems important to you and you are one of the few over the years that has the nerve to even talk to me, you may not like what I am about to say so I will use references you can relate to. In your Bible there are several examples of the religious leaders of the day working to remove Jesus from their midst. They trumped up lies and created enough doubt and fear in people that they, the religious eventually had him killed. You see Jesus made it clear he came to save the sinners not the righteous. Beings that we were all sinners his message was very appealing and gave hope to everyone. When people are in control hope is not something they want others to have which meant the religious had to do something to remove this menace from their kingdoms.

Dale- I am getting the picture but I do not see where you fit into all this
Devil- stick with me Dale and it will become so crystal clear that it will scare you. What the religious of the time did not count on was Jesus being real and once they killed him his resurrection proved he in fact is the son of the living God. What happened next was amazing, the followers of Jesus rallied in ways never seen before in history. They rallied with love, unity, peace, sharing, and acceptance. It was unheard of especially among the various sects of society. As great as this was it could not sustain human temptation. I watched in dismay as this movement gained tremendous momentum. I also saw opportunity.

Dale- I will admit this is very interesting and naturally I want to know what opportunity you saw, but first I have to ask this question. Are you present in the human form to people? I mean right now I see you as a man which makes me question are you real. If you are real where did you come from and how old are you?
Devil- those are deep questions that you will not have the ability to understand, I will however try to give you some easy answers. If you recall I was a fallen angel, I was one of God's messengers that moved around the universe doing my job. I, like you, did not enjoy following the leader all the time so I slowly developed a plan to break away and do my own thing. The problem I encountered is I had no creation powers, I had no ability to make things that did not exist. By the time I figured that out I was already causing enough problems that I had to continue on my own journey. As far as how I appear to people Dale is going to astound you. I am whoever you want me to be. You have heard people say he or she is the devil in disguise. Well I am that disguise, I appear to people in the image of their friends and family. That is one of the easiest ways to create that doubt that makes me so powerful.

Dale- I have to ask this because it relates to us humans. So you made mistakes, I am sure God would have forgiven you and brought you back into full grace, right?
Devil- To this day I have not given God that chance. I wanted to be a free spirit and I remain a free spirit. There are kinks in God's armor and I plan to work till I find it. I plan to have the power to create so I too can have a universe to call mine.
You also asked about my age, I have no age Dale, as an angel, fallen or not, time does not exist. Just like your scientist as they try to move objects through space they measure time in light years when in reality time is a man made measurement. I am just who I am Dale, I know you can't make sense of that but you will some day.

Dale- I know I am skipping all over the place but I have to ask this question before we return to the previous one. Is there really a hell?
Devil- funny you mention that and honestly I figured that would be your first question. Now Dale let me tell you before I answer this, what you hear is not going to be popular if you go out trying to tell folks what I am telling you.

Dale- really? I mean why is that question so difficult?
Devil- think of the question and who you are asking it too. Is there a hell, why didn't you asked is there a heaven? That is the biggest question the Christian movement asked of itself every single day. Most people are not trying to avoid hell they are trying to get to heaven but for some reason cannot follow the simple steps to get there.
Now let me try to answer the question of hell, and remember you are going to get roasted if you try to explain this the way I am explaining this. Hell does not exist as an eternal place of fire and torture. There you have it. The Bible speaks metaphorically about a place called Gehenna but it describes it in several different ways. Cold and dark or heat and torture.
Let's shift away from hell for just a bit and talk about heaven. You see this is where Jesus and me have such issues. It truly is his goal to have everyone live in paradise with him for what is true eternity. That is a place where time does not exist but peace and love do. Jesus created this thing called forgiveness to make sure everyone would have the opportunity to join his heaven.
Forgiveness was made to unite but it created the best division I have ever seen and it sure made my job much easier. I am going to use a quote I have heard you use "when we sin we want forgiveness, when someone else sins we want justice". That is where I come in, I create the self doubt that makes forgiveness near impossible. If we could all forgive and learn to love again heaven would be truly attainable to everyone. Dale, the Christians themselves are robbing people of their heavenly rights and churches are doing the same thing. Somewhere along the way, give me some credit here, you Christians learned to spout out bible verses yet spread hate with your actions. I love this new thing you guys have called social media. It is so cool to watch people quote things about the bible and Jesus and then a few minutes later trash out a friend. I love it and it goes to show how deeply divided the Christians are.

Dale- I think we are getting off the topic because my head is going six directions. Are you saying emphatically there is no hell.
Devil- I am saying there is no hell in the way you humans like to describe it. Dale, there is something much worse. You see there is death and there is heaven. In death there is suffering without hope, there is pain without relief, but it doesn't last for what you call eternity. If you choose death, and yes it is your choice, then you choose the consequences that go with it. BUT if you choose heaven then you also choose the consequences that go with that. I hope this is starting to make some sense.

Dale- no it is real confusing to be honest with you. But hey you are the devil and it is your job to confuse me and rob me of my hopes and dreams.
Devil- that is true Dale and I do enjoy confusing people, but let's say for a moment I am right about some of the things I mention. Do you agree that Christians are bent on destroying each other? Would you agree that Churches represent everything but the true model of Christ? Would you agree that forgiveness is not ever going to happen with enough contrition that people can feel it. Would you agree that Christians cannot see past the sins of society and find the good? Would you agree that magnifying others sins is a favorite pastime for so called Christians?
Let me ask you something Dale and save your answer for our next discussion. Why do Christians go out of their way to exploit the sins of others instead of finding ways to lift them up and love them?

Dale- OK I get it Devil enough, you have my head spinning, and yes I will answer your question in our next conversation.
Devil- Once again Dale your head spinning is a manifestation of you humans inability to love each other, all I have to do is point it out. You see Jesus kept it simple, just love one another. Why is that so complicated? I have to admit I catch myself every now and then feeling sorry for your world but then I think about it long enough and I once again find the pleasure.

Dale- let's wrap this up for today and just so you know in our next meeting I am going to get organized so we can really get down to some answers. In closing what would you like to tell people about you that they do not know.
Devil- anything I tell you is something they do not know. Dale as an excuse people love to blame things on the devil. If anything goes wrong in their live it is my fault. I don't have a problem with that but it isn't true. I have NO power over you or anyone. I was created without creation powers so all I can do is use what is already there. I exploit your doubts about faith, your doubts about Jesus, I exploit it to the point that Christianity is no longer attractive because the ego and materialism have diluted it to the point of non existence. No one knows me Dale but they talk about me as though the do.
I realize why we started this conversation, I know you wanted to share with others why they should choose Jesus. Dale Jesus chose you but you didn't choose him. Does that make sense? You and all the others were hand picked to be part of the awe and wonder of creation. But like me you all wanted more. You chose to be the fallen angels. The model of Jesus is the same today as it was then. If people would follow that model and learn to love and forgive the doubts about heaven would not exist.  
Let me leave you with this point to ponder, maybe Dale I really do not exist, maybe you Christians are the real devil in disguise by dividing your house to the point of rocking it's foundation. Maybe the real devil is you. Think about that and we will discuss it at our next meeting.

Dale- wait just a minute Devil, are you saying I am the real devil?
Devil- No, I told you to ponder that point. If looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is probably a duck, right? Well if you humans create self doubt like the devil, you judge your own like the devil, you cast people into hell like the devil, you lack the ability to love like the devil, you lack the ability to forgive like the devil, and you are obsessed with materialism and jealousy like the devil, maybe you folks really are the devil.

That concluded that conversation and I will admit I left with my head hanging low. Every direction I turn the answers are always the same. Love and forgive, which is what Jesus repeated his whole journey. Why do we complicate this so much. We spend our time trying to explain what love really means in doctrinal ways to gain control when in reality love is simple. Just accept people for who they are and allow forgiveness to be part of your life.
I hope this conversation is as eye opening to you as it is me. I know I have work to do to continue being a messenger of peace and love unconditionally.

peace to you


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