Discord of Love, social media

Have you ever wondered why there is so much bitterness between people now days. For those old enough to remember, there was a time when people had common courtesy and respect for one another. When disagreements would arise between two people they would come together and work it out in private. These days through the advent of social media it is easy to make an ember a towering inferno. In the midst of the blaze the truth gets lost. The old adage misery loves company tends to prevail and birds of a feather flock together. 

Consider this odd phenomenon, why do we choose to promote things that cause division instead of building a discord of love. The short of it is this, bad news travels like wild fire and good news travels slow. That being the case as it relates to social media communication bad news tends to get more response than good. All the sudden everyone has a voice. What's rather interesting is that few tend to use that voice to escalate a platform that can enhance a life in a positive direction, instead it is used to tear down others in a spiteful way. 

If you are socially active on various sites just look over your posts or the posts of friends of whom you follow. Do you post things that build people up or tear them down? Do you promote positive over negative? Do you dig ditches or build bridges? It's easy this day and age to get so conditioned with all the bitterness that fills the airwaves that you too begin to believe that you should call people out publicly so as to inflict as much harm as possible. Never thinking that our own lives are filled with as much sin, fault, disappointment, shortcomings, and wrong doings as the one we hope to hurt. That isn't justice my friends, that is hate. 

I remember the quote "hate does more damage to the vessel in which it is stored than the one in which it is poured". Otherwise the more pain you hope to cause the more hurt will come back to you. There is no way to ever build a life of hope, happiness and prosperity if you choose to use your energy to harm others. When disagreements arise, as they often will, stop, reflect, and if need be talk them out, in private. For your own life to shine and you to live up to your God given potential, it is imperative that you practice forgiveness and acceptance. Love is the way, hate and bitterness will never give you peace. Life cannot be lived to the fullest if our goal is to harm others. God gave us the power to love and it is up to us to use it. 

I love social media, I love promoting a positive message. I embrace all my mistakes and try to take responsibility for my actions as well as those that happen to me. I personally choose to never share or write negativity on social media simply because I believe our world needs more good for us to see. 

We were born to have an impact on the lives of others, it is our choice to make it positive or negative. I believe you will admit that it is so easy to be sucked into the negativity of others. It is what gives legs to social news. Truth more times than not gets lost pretty quick because most people desire so deeply to believe the fiery gossip spread by others. Just imagine how many lives are damaged simply because people chose to share something from their point of view only rather than seeking the truth. 

I love to think about the potential and possibilities for awesome things that we all have. It takes so much energy and focus to be our best, nothing can get in our way or we will be reduced to living a life of average. God created us to outstanding things, how do we do it? By being the example of hope and love you desire to see. I remember an elderly gentleman one time tell me "do not judge my sin just because it's different than yours". What a powerful and profound statement. We should never judge someone's life book by the chapter we walked in on. To use words from Jesus "the one without sin cast the first stone". 
Let's love one another
God bless


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