Eric Hoffer once said "in times of great difficulty the LEARNERS shall inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exist". Are you constantly seeking knowledge or do you feel as though you have found the information you are looking for? The late great Zig Ziglar said "a man has a right not to have a degree, but he does not have the right to not be educated".

You have to admit, it is easy to stop and co-exist in a world that's spinning faster than we can imagine. Sometimes we catch ourselves just going through the motions, hoping that we will wake up to a world that existed generations ago. Fortunately for us, time only goes one direction, FORWARD. Remember no person is rich enough to buy back their past. You can standstill or move ahead. No question, we all get tired of the rat race, we may even feel like the hamster on the wheel, lots of activity, but not going anywhere. Life is motion, you either move or get run over. No in betweens, no hiding, no sticking our head in the sand. When we surface we find rather quickly that the sands in the hour glass did not wait for us.

If you attempt to live your life in the past, one day you will turn around only to find the future has run out. Thank goodness, that isn't today. You are here, exactly where you need to be, reading, thinking, being, doing, and most of all learning. You can't fight the feeling any longer, the urge has to be dealt with, the debt has to be paid, the roof must be fixed, and the person in the mirror must be confronted.
God created the miracle that lives in the body you inhabit. It wasn't by chance, it wasn't a mistake, it was all for you. WHY? Because we need the talents, the wisdom, and the lessons the winds of life have taught you. No one else has what you have, yet we will all lose out if you choose not to share.

I have a wonderful friend that is living life on the edge. Not just on the edge that could provide a safe landing, she is dangling from a thread with rocks down below. Her life is one decision away from total chaos or a wonderful victory. How do I know? What makes me so sure that one decision can drastically change her life? We are all one decision away from a totally different life, good or bad. But let's stick to my friend for a moment. Her home life is a wreck, yet externally she is very successful. Her taboo love affair has more drama than a Hollywood blockbuster, and her secret get away that was supposed to be a peaceful escape is now house of horrors she dreads going too. How will all this end for her? I can't say for sure, but I can say this with total authority. If she stays in the direction is heading the thread will break and the rocks down below will be a painful realization of the choices she has made. But remember my words "she is one decision away from a totally different life". You see sometimes we can't see the chalk for the blackboard. What if, just what if, the people she is betraying are the very people she is called to save. Maybe, just maybe, her one decision brings her home life back together, her taboo lover suddenly finds hope, and her secret hideaway becomes a magical place for God to work miracles. Things are never as bad as they seem. The secrets of the obvious are usually right in front of us, but our lenses are too cloudy to see.

Now before you decide to cast judgement on this beautiful friend, I highly suggest you confront your own life. You've run backwards and sideways long enough. Your excuse to WAIT ON GOD is no longer relevant. The time is now, the future is here, your life is not waiting. Take it off hold and start living. God created you to do amazing things, you are endowed with the seeds of greatness, but it takes action on your part to make the seeds grow. Do not get caught up in anything that holds you back. Surround yourself with people and activities that lift you up not push you down. Do not waste precious time condemning the activities of others. Your halo doesn't shine any brighter than anyone else's so stop fooling yourself and thinking it does.

Stop hiding, start living. Miracles do not occur on your behalf without your involvement. No one, that's correct, I said it,  NO ONE is going to march themselves into your life and suddenly make you happy. That my friends is an inside job, left up to you. God gave you all the tools you need to tear down the walls you have built, to erect bridges that unite and to cut the chains that bind you.
It is never to late to dream again, to love again, to renew hope again. Your best days haven't been lived. I don't care if you are dead ass broke, alcoholic, drug addict, cancer fighter, abuse victim, or whatever it is that has brought you here, your life is ripe for coming alive. Be the learner, get educated, take control, you got this.

I want you to start talking to yourself all the time like you would to someone you love. Forgive yourself of all the wrongs you have done, fall in love with the person God created you to be. Your past is wisdom, your future is application. LIVE now, life changes in the blink of eye. Don't wait or hesitate just do it.  You know exactly what needs to be done, don't you? Do it, the world needs you, heck you need  you. Let the lovely melody hiding in your soul be sung. Only you can do it.

peace and love


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