I was planning on writing my sequel to "Conversation with the Devil" but something else has occupied my brain. Most of my writings are about spirituality, faith, and gaining your self esteem and identity. Today I have given much thought to the things I write about possibly due to the emails I received last week. I feel compelled to dive deeper into the realm of faith and spirituality and I believe in doing so I can give people a sense of power to rebuild their self esteem while coming to grips with who you really are.
God created us as unique individuals. Some of us may look alike but none of us are alike. Even twins, as identical as they may appear usually have very different personalities. Our differences are not good or bad they are simply different. God, I am confident, put together a master plan to empower each of us to be original and great. We were born to live, born to explore, and born to dream. That is our God given spirituality, we were born to be like God, who simply put is obviously awesome. The difference is we were created with a free will that leaves us prone to temptations, sin, mistakes, misunderstandings, anger, etc. We are human in every aspect. That is not a bad thing by the way it is what makes us who we are. Once we understand that we can stop judging and start forgiving.
Next time you are in a crowd take a look around. You will see people of all socioeconomic backgrounds, you will see people of color, gender, sexual orientation, young, old, republican, democrat, and all types of religious affiliations. No two people you see are going to be the same. With that being said why do you think so many people work so hard to try and make people what they want them to be. In my humble opinion that is a spit in the face of God. Trust our differences and allow love of neighbor to grow.
I bet there are times you are driving alone and you think that you are weird because you think outside of what you believe normal to be. Why or how someone created normal I will never know. We are not normal, we are not average, we are amazingly different in a beautiful way. When you allow peace and love to grow in your heart you are allowing God to grow in your mind and spirit. God loves us for who we are, not for what we have. God loves us even if we are baptist, Jew, Hindu, catholic, Methodist, Muslim, etc. God created us to be different so we could grow together in unity to make this world awesome. So you ask, what went wrong?
This is where things get a bit fuzzy. Greed came into play and changed the way we think. The devil eased his way into our minds and created self doubt within us. We know longer saw the beauty of God's creation in ourselves so we started finding the errors in others. Little by little we lost sight of our dreams and gave way for the depressing belief that our lack of normalcy made us a failure. We even have family and friends to remind us we are a failure, which by the way we are not.
Stop that insanity. God needs all of us right where we are. As I reflect back on life I recall some of the greatest lessons I ever learned were from some of the worst (so I thought) people I ever encountered. The so called heathens (of which I am one), rule breakers, drunks, adulterers, etc. You know who I am talking about. I bet if you think back you too will find that they made you a better person with a lifetime of lessons and wisdom. The point is this, God made us all with a purpose to bring our spirituality to fruition. Now stop condemning others and accept that they are part of God's amazing kingdom. You are not the solo, sin free person you may want others to see. You are a unique model of love that has lost the ability to feel what love really is. Our love is our spiritual self and we find that when we have the FAITH to believe in who we are. Many times religions prefer to mold you into what they want or need you to be. Keeping in mind that there are literally thousands of churches that claim to know the way to God. Friends you know the way. The way is to love, forgive, accept, and believe that you are the greatest miracle ever created. Stop fighting to bring yourself back to being normal or average, fight to be the awesome, amazing, stunning, beautiful creation you were born to be.
Life is truly a blessings especially when it is lived to the fullest potential possible. Give yourself permission to dream again, to live again, and most of all to believe in yourself again. Feel the breeze and know the winds of time are blowing in some great changes. Do not fight to stay the same, fight to be you.
peace to you