
This morning I went to the funeral of the 14 year old girl named Josie that I wrote about a few weeks ago. When I entered the church I heard in the back ground the beautiful song "I can only imagine". As I approached the casket I found myself thinking about the parents and how they must feel. As I stood there the words to the song were resonating in my mind, “will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe will you be still, will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all, I can only imagine.” I made my way to the dad and let him know how sorry I was and then I took my seat. Playing on the monitors was a synopsis of the life she lived and as I watched I realized that there was a message in this. She knew at an early age that her life would be cut short so she made it a point to live to the fullest while she could. Let me just say she packed a lot of living in to those 14 years. I admire her tenacious spirit and desire to love and serve the Lord. It sure made me take notice of my own life and I hope it does for everyone reading this. Life is short, regardless how long you live. We may not get exactly what we hope and dream for so we have to make the best of what we have.
There was a quote read at the funeral that Josie wrote and it goes like this, “life isn’t always what you dream but in the end it is better than what you expected.” I encourage you to reread that a couple of times and let it sink in. I believe the message to this meditation lies in this quote.

Josie, you got it right my friend. You lived, you loved, and you cared. Jesus gave us the model of which to live and you my dear lived it. I would like to close with one last quote Josie wrote. “Don’t just say you don’t like something because you are scared, give it a chance and stay a little while. Don’t give up or give in just give it a chance and let God help you and your problems in life. I just want to say I hope your life problems go away.”

Thank you Josie for being a bright spot in the lives of so many, we may not have known each other, but let me just say Jesus worked through you while you were here and he continues to work through you now.

Lord Jesus Christ you gave us peace and our peace we give you. Thank you for the wonderful gift of life that you so graciously bestow on us. Open our hearts and minds to the love around us and give us the ability to see the messages that you send us. We love you and we need you AMEN


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