Whats the big hurry

Today I was in a store and I was next in the checkout lane. A gentleman stepped up behind me and made a comment to someone that he could not believe there was only one checkout lane open. With that comment, he put down his purchase and walked out the door while proclaiming that he was going to another store that had more checkouts. The funny thing is he was next in line behind me; and the total time of his wait may have been three minutes.

While on a trip last week, I was walking through a shop at the airport when I heard a person complain about how long it took her phone to load a particular application. I stood there and listened, and it probably took the app about 30 seconds to load.
What is even more amazing is the amount of people now days that are late for everything or show up right in the nick of time. I find this fascinating because we live in such a fast paced world yet many people do not even have the respect to be on time or at least a little bit early.

You may be wondering why I write about this and what makes it relative to life. A few weeks ago, I had the good fortune of spending some time with an elderly gentleman. Our conversation was about life and how fast it goes by. He told me that he so wished that he would have slowed down and taken the time to do the things that he now felt were important. He wished he had done more for the poor, but he never could get around to it. He wanted to help out with several local charities, but golf and hunting just would not allow it. He wished he had spent more quality time just talking to his kids, but the desire to advance his career overshadowed what was truly important. This man was living out his final days with regret in his heart instead of peace and joy for what he contributed.

I could write endless volumes about this topic; however I think by now you get the message. I urge everyone to slow down and enjoy the true values of life. Remove greed from your heart. Develop a caring and nurturing soul by adhering to the words of scripture. The person you cross today may very well be the person you need tomorrow. Be slow to anger and quick to forgive. If your heart, mind, and soul is filled to the brim with stress, more than likely the source is in the mirror. I shared a quote a few weeks ago that is worth repeating today “no man is a failure until he starts blaming others.” Accept responsibility for where you are and develop a plan now that will guide you back to Christ. Life is worth living when you choose to live it.

I will close with a scripture passage from Colossians 3:12-13 “Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.”

Lord Jesus, may your all-consuming love rule in my heart and transform my life that I may sow what is good, worthy, and pleasing to you, in your Holy name I pray AMEN

Peace to all
Dale Childress


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