Do you regret things that you have done or things that you never did? I bet that for most people they regret the things they have not done more than the things they did do. I often wonder why people do not expand the box more, or stretch the thinking, or dare to live on the edge more than they do? When life is relegated to adapting to societal norms we fail to give to the world the talents and gifts God gave us. Then when the end is near, we reflect back regretting the chances we never took. Being a Christian is risky business but not taking risk for God just may be worse.

If you think about it isn’t everything in life a risk? What if you decided to never go to the store because it was too dangerous to shop? That would leave you dependent on the charity of others instead of you being charitable. I know you have heard the old saying “without risk there is no reward." Expanding on that thinking, how about if the early Christians had not had the conviction to follow through on their new found faith? Keep in mind for most back then the risk was death, but the reward was the promise of eternity in heaven. For them though, they had to believe the risk was worth it. Do you believe the risk in following Jesus is worth the reward or will you someday regret that you never used your talents to spread his kingdom?

St Augustine, a 4th century bishop, said “use all means possible to convert people to Christianity and when all else fails use words.” Right now that is all I have; however in these words I write, I challenge you to make a difference if not for God then do it for you. The world truly does deserve every talent that lies in you. If we all gave our best to God every single day I bet there would be little time for regret later.
In closing I do realize that in this day and age more people than ever battle depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, and just poor health. I believe, and yes maybe it is just me, that if we would all take the risk to grow, be better, develop passion, or just say yes to Jesus Christ then many of the ills we face could be worked out.
Make a difference in your life. You can do it; I know you can. Give yourself permission to believe. In the end, regret some mistakes you made but not the chances you never took.

Peace to all
Dale Childress


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