Are you willing to reach in order to have?

“Everything you want in life is within your reach right now, IF, you are willing to reach for it.” The question is, do you really know what you want?

I spoke to a friend a couple days ago and she shared with me how stressful life was and how much of a struggle it was at times to just get through the day. She did say that life had some moments of joy, love, and peace every now and then.

If life is supposed to have three crucial elements called balance, moderation, and reason, it would be safe to say that the statement above misses the mark on all three. Life should be filled with joy, love, and peace; every now and then moments of stress and struggle will come along.

I am sure all of you have heard the proverbial genie in a bottle jokes. Most people say that their one wish is to have millions of dollars, a fancy car, Botox, or to take exotic vacations. You never hear people say that they would love to have a renewal of spirituality and love for Christ. Why is this? Psalm 34:10 tells us “those who seek the Lord lack no good things”. How do you measure good? We hear also in John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

Back to the original statement we started with, “if you are willing to reach for it.” It is time that we brought God out of the closet and allowed Him back into our lives. There is nothing in life that God’s healing power cannot save. It doesn’t matter if you are poor, sick, in jail, in a nursing home, addicted, depressed, dying, jobless, broken hearted- the healing hand of Christ can bring relief. The reach has to be to Christ first, if not then nothing else will fill the void that will grow within you.

I spoke to a friend this morning and we talked about how much money can make you compartmentalize your life and forsake your morals and ethics. Satan has amazing ways of tempting people away from God. In our society, it is the allure of money that makes us justify our actions. If what we do to make money is wrong, then justification in the eyes of Christ does not exist. Hence this is where stress and struggles enter the picture. If we seek balance why do we separate our money from our morals? If we seek reason and moderation, why do we separate our gifts we give ourselves from what we do for others?

Decide today what you truly want and reach for it. Everything you want is truly within your reach right now. Today our mantra is going to be that I am rescued, redeemed, and restored. Christ is knocking at the door and it is up to you to answer.
I would love to hear your story of victory in Christ and would also like to share it in this spiritual reflection.

This meditation can now be viewed at

May God’s peace and grace be with you always.
Dale Childress


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