What happened to my dream

Last week I spoke to a man that most people would view as having the perfect life. He is healthy, great career, son is in college, involved in church, and has a happy marriage. Hearing all this I was trying to form in my mind why he was suffering from anxiety and depression. After a couple hours he revealed to me that he was so lonely that life was not worth living anymore. He shared with me the dreams he had as a young man of being an outreach minister to kids from broken homes. His plan was to go to college, get a good job and start a community center that could help these young people have a chance at life that they otherwise would not have.

Ben’s dream ended (in his eyes) early in life. He fell in love and married a wonderful woman that he still treasures to this day. She too shared his dream and vision however in the 2nd year of marriage she became pregnant and Ben got promoted in his company. Fast forward 20 years. Ben is still with the same company which he holds in high esteem due to the morals and ethics they adhere to. As mentioned earlier his son is in college training to be a youth pastor. His wife is in charge of a large women’s bible study in their local church and Ben himself is heavily involved in the Boy Scout program which happens to be the largest in his state.

Where did it all go wrong (or right)? As we shared deep emotions Ben told me that even though to most his life seemed full however he felt that he had betrayed what God had lead him to be. He beams with joy over his family and the love they have for God. He feels like he has done an admirable job as father and husband. Why does this dream of old continue to haunt a man with so much happiness in his life? Seems to me like Satan enjoys confusing us.

Ben told me something that I will never forget, he said “eternal life and being a Christian is not just about accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior and then waiting around to go to heaven where you will live forever. It is about a relationship with God, and getting to know him and serving Him and obeying Him because you love Him.” I was starting to see the pain Ben had deep inside his heart and soul.

Ben mentioned a famous verse in Matthew 4:19 “come follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” He was so heart struck by not following God’s call for his life that he had for all practical purposes lost the life he had. After much thought I asked Ben if it were possible that his dream was just that HIS DREAM? Could it be that God had called him to be an example in his work and community? Could it be that God needed Ben to raise a son that could become a youth pastor and change the lives of many? Could it be that Ben’s work with Boy Scouts was in God’s favor because he was developing young leaders to go out and change the world? Could it be that God has Ben exactly where he needs him so that as his career life comes to an end his pursuit of an outreach to kids can begin?

I cannot place myself in Ben’s life nor do I want to discount his dreams or yours. I am a dreamer myself and I desire to serve this kingdom in ways I am almost afraid to reveal for fear of ridicule. Like so many our dreams lie dormant in the recesses of our heart and mind. What I lack and I am sure many others do to is the faith that God knows exactly where I need to be and what I need to be doing. The challenge is the courage to believe and to trust that we can make a difference for ourselves and for God.

Hope is not the absence if reality, it is the belief that Jesus Christ lives and dwells in all. Dreams do come true and hope can be restored when you come to realize that where you are right now is just that where you are right now. The future is in Christ it is not in the mockery of the secular life we have become addicted to. Have the courage to stand up and stand down the forces that have made your senses numb to the beauty and awe of what God created for us. Tomorrow is the dream and it still holds the power to unite you with a life you thought was a distant memory. Jesus Christ died for your sin and was resurrected for you to live. In closing let me share a scripture from Philippians 3:13 “Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

May God’s peace and grace follow you throughout your day

Dale Childress


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