
The thief came in the night and robbed the family of their most prized possessions. The hope that had been built on sand over a period of years was dashed in a matter of minutes. All the net worth: material items, earthly treasures, and big screen TVs gone due to a poorly planned and executed security set-up.

This story of a thief will set the stage for what I want to ask. Who are you stealing from? Who is stealing from you? What are you prepared to do about it?

Did you know that  there are many people that suffer extreme depression and loneliness. This is not just people who are alone or have no place to go. These are ordinary people like you and I lost in the imbalance that we has been created by a world that doesn’t really exist. The pseudo place our minds and bodies dwell is far from the peace on earth that has been stolen from us by the strangers we call family,friend, or just life.

We wonder why anger and depression are so prevalent in the world today; however, as we allocate space in our mind to figure out this societal riddle, the true thief has made off with the hope, heart, and soul that will bring us joy and peace in our daily walk.

As we plan the next heist on our own lives, there are friends and family planning the same action against you. It is not malicious by any means, it is just how cunning and slick the devil really is. We are treated with the finest delicacies money can buy and the whole time we are draining our bank accounts and our relationships are experiencing this same fate.

No need to call the police. The biggest thief we will face in this life is one we can see in the mirror. You know the madness, you know the deep fear and sorrow that you see awaiting you in the near future. You see the false promise, the New Year’s resolution, the exciting diet plan, and all the other great ideas that you are handing over to the thief so you can be left with pain and depression of a life with lost hope. Sure you did not plan it that way but it was your security system that allowed the intruder to ease his way into your life.

Repeat after me, “I am a wonderful person, I am a beautiful person, I forgive ME for everything I have stolen from myself and what I have allowed to be stolen from me. I am starting over today and I am going to love myself and treat myself with respect. I am going to love God and others and I am never going to steal hope from anyone ever again.”

Life is no more complicated than we make it. Let go of all the baggage that has weighed you down for way to long. Stir up in you that dream that you thought was long gone. Give yourself permission to live again and to love again. The thief is gone, the security system is in place, and your life is ready to live. Today is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad. Remember you deserve to be happy and the start to your new life begins NOW.

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
Quote From Mother Teresa

Peace and grace
Dale Childress


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