Near Death Experience

Have you ever been interested in near death experiences (NDE)? I read a news article this morning that I will admit was rather intriguing. It had the usual images we have become accustomed to with NDE’s. The person hovering over the team of doctors working to revive them and following the wonderful gentle light that seems so welcoming are common occurrences that are shared by people having an NDE.
I am by no means an authority on the topic and quiet honestly it has never even fascinated me. However after reading that article it made me wonder how many people have NDE that are not related to physical death. How many people are having emotional and spiritual NDE every day? Life does not have to be so painful.
Yesterday I went to a memorial service that celebrated the life of young man that died recently of cancer. This morning as I was gathering my thoughts to write this I began to connect the NDE experience with what I am going to call a near life experience (NLE). One moment I am celebrating a life of someone passed and another I am reading about the death of someone brought back to life. Let’s make a life experience out of this strange venture joining NDE and NLE.
I, like you, journey through life doing the basic things such as breathing, eating, working, reading, complaining, praying, etc. During this journey we find few moments that we treasure as something we would call a memorable event. We spend more time dying than we do living. I have shared this many times and in my writings and it is worth sharing again. I had no idea how to live until I was told I was dying. See when most of us are healthy we spend our time dying, when we are told life is short we figure out how to start living. My hope is we can learn to have more NLE and plan for our departure from this earth while living.
Dying is a guaranteed outcome for the living. However is living a guaranteed outcome for the dying. Since we know factually that we are dying why not know factually that we can also live. Life truly is precious and the experiences and encounters shape us into the NDE or NLE category. It is my hope that once you read this that you will begin to reflect on your life and see it as more than simply a dying process. The end will come however what happens until then is made of choices. Choose to live, choose to help others live. Choose to celebrate life daily with some fresh exciting NLE. Stop and smell the roses, or check out the running water in the river. See the beauty that surrounds you everywhere you look.
I encourage you today to start loving life. Go back to those New Year’s resolutions that faded like the sun. Become a better version of you now not later. Instead of hurting people help them. Stop trying to make the world a better place by elevating yourself above others. In order to live and have those NLE daily it is imperative that you see the beauty in others. In order for you to become a better version of yourself you must help others become a better version of them.
Start living today and let the world you hope and dream about become your reality. Who knows if we all focus on the positives of NLE we just might make the world the place God built it to be. The difference starts with you. Do you want NDE or NLE? I choose to live and I hope you do to.
Peace and love
Dale Childress


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