Good Saturday morning to everyone and special thanks to all the people that for whatever reason read my reflections. I am amazed each week at the amount of responses I get literally from all over the world. Today I want to write a short reflection simply titled YOU.
Every day in everything we do people, actions, or events pull us away from the person we were created to be. It is that painstaking search for self that drives people to drastic measures. I, like you, daily get request to help with this or that. I am mindful that all of these request are valid, important, and worthwhile, however there does come a time when YOU gets lost in the shuffle. Speaking from experience accepting those request often times helps us avoid the self we are scared to face.
If you recall a few short years ago we were trained to put others first. Our parents did it our grandparents did it and for the most part we are trained to do just that. In today’s society we are trained to put self first. Think of the airline oxygen mask message; place the mask on yourself first before assisting those next to you. Both situations can be fine however I am seeing a world so confused at who goes first and who goes second that nothing gets done.
I am not sure where you find yourself in the lonely search for self so let me share some thoughts that can bring clarity to an otherwise meaningless reflection. If you are lost or in hiding that sure makes for a dark existence, I am going to ask you today to shine some light on your present with a bright focus on tomorrow. I always want people to look forward. The joys or heartaches of yesterday or nothing but a memory what lies ahead is a hope and dream. God created you to be special. You were created for accomplishment. You have not ruined that hope or dream. Do not let someone else’s negative image of you become your reality. YOU ARE SPECIAL so treat yourself as such. Always remember that simple message at the end of the Lazarus story when Jesus turns to the crowd and says “unbind that man”. I am asking you today to unbind the chains of anger, jealousy, and frustration that are keeping you from being the incredible person you were made to be. When you unbind all the pent up anger towards others God will unbind you so you can face a future of light.
As I always say it starts with you. Stop looking on the sins of others and look at the music that dwells deep in your soul. If you would spend a good measure of time finding yourself I am going to personally guarantee that in that search you will find many hidden treasures you had no idea existed. Be of good cheer, spread joy and harmony, help others get past their pain and most of all tell yourself many times a day how wonderful you are. If you choose to find the you that can make dreams come true this world will be a better place to live. God needs you and so do you.
Do not be afraid to aim high and miss be afraid to aim to low and hit.
Peace and love
Dale Childress


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