The new you

What changes your life? I, like many, have had many life changing experiences. One that stands out is my battle with cancer as well as the long term side effects that you are not always aware of. When I was going through cancer treatment I was fortunate enough to meet so many people fighting the same battle. Some were at the end of the battle, some at the beginning, and some just struggling to understand the battle. For me and I think I can speak for others the will to live and live better is what keeps you going.
We all have those life changing events we face. For some it is the loss of a job, the sudden loss of a loved one, could be a car wreck, or anything that makes you stop dead in your tracks and take a close look at life. In the world we find ourselves in today it is truly a rat race and to keep up you have to be moving at the speed of sound. At those speeds we are usually oblivious to how we treat those around us or even treat ourselves. Then it happens, the event, and all the sudden we have this burning desire to change. Now that we are refocused we want to smile at people, say thank you more often, say I love you more often, then the problem arises. Time passes on, the effects of the life altering event are a distant memory and we find our life moving back to the place it once was.
The wonderful smiles, the thank you's and I love you's may still be there but the meaning is more surface than depth. So what do we do to keep that love for life growing all the time? There is no single answer to that question however I think I can give suggest some good places to start. I am a believer in self confidence and self esteem. It is crucial that you believe in you and that you love you. Hear me clearly on this next part and I will start a new paragraph so it rings out loud.
We are not and I repeat NOT cookie cutter out of the box people. We are all different. We have different dreams, thoughts, fantasies, hopes, desires and that is just fine. We were created to be individuals yet part of one big body. If we live our lives trying to be someone else we will always struggle to be ourselves. In every walk of life there are rules that govern our every movement. That is not a bad thing we need rules in our work place, laws that keep us safe, etc. What we do not need are people and institutions that try to make us zombies and force us into a walk of life that leads us so far from self that we totally lose the person that God created.
Then the event happens and as we lay in bed either fighting for our life or battling desperation we wonder what happened to the person we once were.
Be you, do not wait for a life changing event to shake you to the core. You are different and that is GREAT. Do conform to laws of society but do not conform to societal norms. Stand up and be the you God wants you to be. Let those life altering events put you back on track to the you that you lost years ago. Life is short but it can be full.
As I say in most of my writings regardless what you have done God still loves you. Regardless what you have done you can be forgiven. First forgive yourself with sincerity and then forgive those that have betrayed you. Your walk in that path of life will become much easier.
Let change began today. Listen to your heart for once. Do not walk into your job with the same bad attitude you had yesterday and blame it on those around you. Take control of your life. Be positive, be of good cheer, and make sure others see in you the confidence that will take you to new heights. The life altering event does not have to be a near death experience it can be a desire for new life experience. Take a deep breath and let's get this day started. The new you was just born.
peace to you


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