The Poem

Life is too precious to be painful
too bizarre to make sense
It is like the cloud blocking the sun
or the thought that rides the fence

We seek the gold in a moment of glory
We hide in the shadows in a crying shame
Friends are everywhere and nowhere
depending on our level of fame

God sees the hearts of the righteous
and the stone cold attempt at gain
The sinner he shows the gates of heaven
The lover of self the face of pain

We can choose to love or hate
We can choose to judge or serve
God sees the truth in our heart and soul
He shows the straight when we choose the curve

Life is great when you live a dream
The flowers bud and sunlight beams
For others when darkness is cast
It is us the real Christian that removes the mask

Together we move in upward flight
We bring along those to flat to fight
The movement is filled with sinners abound
The victory we seek is the heavens crown

Go about the day with heart of light
In your quest for God we make things right
We are all equal in our life we know
The God of love is ours to show.

Dale Childress


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