Size doesn't matter

Ok get your mind out of the gutter. I knew the title would get your attention. I have had so many emails in response to the reflections I have been writing that it prompted me to write tonight.
I have had countless people share their burdens with me over the last week. Some would seem small and some insurmountable however when it comes to burdens size truly does not matter. If your heart is heavy and you feel you have no place to go and nowhere to turn then your burden is bigger than the ocean.
How do we as a Christian community share the burden's of others? Truth is in many cases we can't however a heartfelt outreach does go along way.
Let me share a few things people have written to me this week. One lady was so down because her husband lost his job which provided their insurance for their dying child. Another man wrote me to tell me about losing his job, his house, his car, and at 45 years old had to move his family back in with his parents. I had a young man who was struggling to get his life in order after several years of alcohol and addiction and the church he was going to in his eyes turned their back on him. All of these situations are almost to heavy to bare, however the one that struck the cord with me was an elderly lady who recently lost her husband of 60 years. She has no living family, can't get to church, and is on the verge of being blind. She still lives alone in what she says now is a very dark house. She feels as though God has abandoned her and all she wants is to die and get it all over with.
I do understand that these burdens are big yet in some way they may seem small to someone else. One of these people told me that their friends told her she just needs a good dose of Jesus which she responded that she had lived her whole life for him only to find out that he was not there when she needed him the most. Keep in mind those were her words not mine but if that is how she feels then perception is reality.
The burdens are everywhere and truly the size and scope of them do not matter. What matters is how we help people get through the situation and get their emotional and spiritual life back in balance.
You see in life there will be ups and downs. Sometimes we will be on a downhill ride picking up speed and enjoying the breeze in our face. Other times we will be climbing the mountain so high we can't see the light of day. In all of these situations our character is built. I know for me over the years when that downhill was a fun ride I lost sight of the people that were on the mountain. I was rolling along without a care in the world and then without notice my slope turned into a steep hike. Sound familiar? Sure it does.
If we want to get the positives out of life it is time we share the glory and share the burden. When a friend is down get in the trenches and do your best to get them on level ground. When something bad happens feel their pain but do not feel their blame.
Life is a sequence of choices and events and they are connected by people, places, and things. Every action as you know has an equal and opposite reaction. Well that is what we were told in science class anyway. The truth is every action does carry consequence good or bad. What is important though is a bad choice does not have to define your life. As I say almost everyday find the grace in every thing that happens and trust me it is there.
The burdens of life are heavy and left alone to tackle them is the worst thing our Christian community can do. If you profess to be a Christian and you turn your back on a person in need then I believe you are a contributing factor not only to their burdens but your own as well.
A helping hand, a gentle ear, a warm smile, a friendly embrace, and a heartfelt touch can move boulders from peoples heart. All some people need is one more chance at life. One more moment on the stage and they will be back on Main street.
Life is not always full of joy. Friends and family will die, sickness will most likely take your health, and some type of crisis will surely befall your life some where along the way. That is not actions of God that is simply life. Let's face these struggles together and there is no doubt we can lighten the load. Along the pathway of life be sure to have lots of fun. Dream big several times per day that way when the hard times come you will still have something to cling to. That way when the dust settles and you are back on your feet again then together the dream lives on. God made us to be communal people which means we must care for each other. We do not crucify or condemn we lift up and love.
Well that's it, so I will let you decide if size really matters.

peace to you


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