Time to break the spell

On an average day, over 3700 people read my blogs. Why, I don’t know, but I am thankful that they do. It is my hope that I always write on a topic that people think about, but are not always comfortable talking about. In the same message, I try to direct the reflection to a positive conclusion.

Today I want to write about something that could be controversial but you know what, it is time to break the spell the world holds on us. I love my quest for Christianity! I say quest because in my lifetime I’ve never met a person that completely walks the walk of Christ. I see many that try, as we all should, however even the holiest of the holy come up short at various times in their lives. If in this quest we adhere to the TOTAL teachings of the Gospel, which by the way is nearly impossible for mortal man, we would extend an attitude of love at all times instead of apathy or hate. You have seen though, as have I, the various hate groups that speak out and stand against popular public issues such as gay rights, abortion, mixed marriages, social programs, etc. You can add anything you’d like to the list and I am confident that depending on whatever is currently in the news, you will be tempted to do just that.

I find it rather amusing that a person can be having a day filled with joy until someone brings up a particular topic and sets the ball of negativity rolling down the hill. I have said it before and I will say it again; NO one, and I mean NO one, can understand or live the life of someone else. We have a skewed view of what life looks like to someone that lives a life outside of our norm or has made a decision that goes against what we think is one of our core beliefs.

I know several people and have heard from literally hundreds of others who have faced serious crossroads in life and made decisions that they knew others would condemn them for. These people have to live life with their secrets because they know the right wing righteous which they were once a part of would shun them from their former social circles and would do it in the name of Christ. That, my friends, is quite simply wrong. Yes, we should always strive to live a good life and I will never advocate otherwise. But when faced with a life-altering decision and the choice you make is not something you may be proud of, you have to know that you are still loved by the same Christ that others try to condemn you with.

The “Bible thumpers,” as some like to say, use the Word as a weapon against those that act or think differently than they do. It is easy to quote scripture to attack a person; however, it seems quite difficult to use the scripture from the same Bible to reach out to someone. I love the written Word and find many wonderful treasures in my reading; however, for some strange reason I have never come across a passage that makes me want to lash out at someone or, worse yet, go to great lengths to push them completely out of the body of Christ the church is supposed to be, just so I don’t have to associate with anyone who might live differently than I believe is the “right way.”

I want to say again, as I try to say often, that love will find a way. Peace is more often the better answer to life situations than conflict and confrontation. Remember it is okay to be different, so next time you are thinking about verbally assaulting someone, take a few extra seconds and ask yourself two things; one, is it worth it, and two, could I be wrong?

If you are on the attacked end of a religious assault, I would ask you to remain as calm as you can and know that this is not in the name of Jesus even though it may be what is said. Rise above the hatred and prejudice and extend a silent prayer of forgiveness. The attackers have a motive that even they are not sure of. Love yourself and then love the ones you are with. Find the peace in your daily walk and find comfort in knowing that you are not alone in this quest for acceptance. More people are seeking love than those that are seeking hate; the problem is that the haters’ voices are much louder. I stand firm in my belief that we as seekers of love can rise up and change the direction of the world.

You want to change the world in which you live? Then change the view you have of it. It is time to break the spell the world holds on us.

peace be with you


Anonymous said…
I am with you 100% on this issue. Too many so called religious, forget the most important teachings of Jesus Christ, that of Love.


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