Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures
WHAT?? Ghost adventures!!!! Are you crazy? Who the heck wants to explore the paranormal, the world of the what ifs? Is it true that there are spirits that exist around us yet our ability to communicate is limited? Almost seems like the "I see you but you can't see me" episode of the Twilight Zone.

I have heard countless stories about encounters with the ghost of spirits past. I am positive that everyone reading this has had such an encounter at sometime in their life. I also believe if you are open to the possibilities that these situations may happen more often.

Why not believe? Good grief, there is not a living breathing person that has truly gone to the other side, hung out for a few weeks, and come back to share their journey. We are left with books about 90 minutes in Heaven or things of that nature. We get all the subjective views of the paranormal, yet none of them resemble the experiences we have personally had with the spirits of the dead. For some odd reasons these books about people going to heaven and coming back are huge bestsellers yet the discussion of the paranormal is almost off limits. Whether you die and come back to your human body or you die and return in some other medium, what is the difference.

Churches preach against the idea for fear we will become believers and they in turn could lose money and members. It isn't that they fear for our salvation; it is that the exploration of the unknown in and of itself creates a hole that faith can't fill.

I personally love to believe that our minds and spiritual beings are so powerful that even our human death does not end our desire to be earthbound creatures. Admit it folks, it is easier to believe in close encounters with the paranormal world than it is to believe in a Jesus you cannot see. We have all had those weird moments in life that make us go “wow, there is more out there,” yet none of us have seen the Christ the Bible speaks of.
With that said, I want you all to know, I AM A BELIEVER in Christ. My faith goes deep to the core. Did you get that, MY FAITH is deep to the core. When it comes to the exploration of ghostly spirits or dreams that bring the dead to life, or even those times when you feel the presence of someone else, that does not take faith because you truly experienced it. It was real, it happened.

This world is so complex and it is far grander than our imagination can take us. I think we should give ourselves permission to believe and accept that we may be closer to the dead than we think. That begs the question, are the dead truly dead? Well, my opinion is and always has been that upon our earthly death we resume our spiritual being that was there even before our conception. Ok, I know that goes against some of our faith-based church teaching; just use you own past experiences to create your opinion.

Love the world around you and find the WOW factor that is sure to exist when you allow your minds to go wild with the possibilities that we are not alone.

Can faith in Christianity exist alongside this paranormal search? Indeed it can. Matter of fact, when we embrace all of God's creation I bet we can open doors that churches have feared to open for years. I bet when we start to connect the dots with people of life and spirits of the past, we can open the floodgates of a beautiful world that has waited for us for years. It has been reported by medical science that humans only use about 10% of the brain God gave them. Wonder what would happen if we decided to use the rest? The movement could truly come alive and peace and love could sweep the world in amazing fashion if we put our minds to work.
Food for thought, my friends. Don't condemn me for speaking up, just sit back and allow your imagination to take you to new places. The devil is not responsible for our imagination God gave us that gift so use it.

Peace to you


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