This morning while I was working out at the gym I noticed how different all the people were that were there. It was quiet interesting the age variation. I am betting some were in their late teens while others were possibly 80 or older. Some were in great shape however the majority seemed to be close to the beginning stages of developing a routine. This morning there were probably more women than men however that does change based on the day and what classes are being taught. The point is lots of people have the desire to feel better about themselves.

Life truly is for the living and if you have read this blog long enough you have heard me say that plenty of times. As long as we are breathing we should be living. Working out no matter how little you do it always makes a person feel a bit of accomplishment. The problem is very few stick to it. Just like the areas of life that seem to work good and make us feel better we all too often find some excuse to migrate away from it. The mind is an amazing creation because it will allow us to create the best "I don't have time" excuses you have ever heard. Next thing you know you have quit the one thing you were doing that brought you hope and self esteem.

I use the gym as an example of something positive that makes you feel good however there are many things that can accomplish the same feeling. Sitting aside time to read a great book, working in the yard, or simply going for a daily walk. Any one of these activities plus many more can truly make you feel good about yourself. The question is why do we stop doing what is positive only to replace it with something negative?
If life is for the living then it is important to do the things that sustain a wholesome life.

Depression and anxiety are terrible silent killers and I believe with all my heart that over half of the people reading this can relate to. Those two health issues steal the desire for life right from our very soul. Depression comes in usually when something bad happens whether you were prepared or not. It is true that some forms of depression are medical and must be dealt with under the care of a physician. If that is the case in order to get your life back I urge you to seek the help you need. Anxiety is also a silent killer and it can come on like a tidal wave. It is usually a fear of something that is going to happen. Now it may not happen but living with the what if is bad enough. Sometimes it is looking over you shoulder knowing that a past mistake is going to raise it's ugly head at any time and your past sins will be exposed.

You get the picture about life and living. Friends I write about the movement almost on a daily basis. I write because I believe that you can overcome anything life has dealt you. If you have any desire for life at all and you do not try to victimize or make yourself some martyr then you can and will see a bright future.
Let's put the energy together to make life worth living for all of us. We will do our part to make someone else's life better but not at the expense of making ours worse.

Do not worry about how long you have to live because that is not important. Worry instead how you are going to pack enough living into the day you have before you. Life is a precious thing to waste yet if left alone long enough next thing you know it is over. I say get up and get going. Pick an item on that bucket list that you can accomplish in the next week and do it. The most valuable thing you can do is to make yourself feel good about yourself. Draw the line in the sand today and start measuring your success one step at a time. If it is a book you want to read, get started. A trip, get going. Whatever it is that you can do, do it.
LIVE, this is the only life you will get so make it count.

When I say I care, I truly care. I want people to see how great they can be. It doesn't take money to do something positive. It takes a genuine belief that you matter and trust me YOU DO. The insanity that many have bought into is that the mistakes they have made have relegated them to the life they are living. Well if you want to buy into that line of crap it is your choice. Let's get past the sob stories because we are where we are right this minute. The great thing is that we are not where we are going. It is not over until it is over and it is not over as long as we are living. Live the dream and if you don't have one then create one. Remember you are the most important person in your life so treasure who you are. God loves you so why can't you love yourself?

peace to you

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