Why NOT?

Have you ever wanted to do something radical? Sure you have at least once in your lifetime and hopefully more. There was something inside you however that stopped you from taking that leap of faith into the realm of the unknown. That leaves the radical to be a game in our fantasy minds and often reduces us to life's game of responsible moves instead of the over the edge game of chance.

Think about watching or reading a movie to where the super hero uses powers beyond what we can comprehend and in the end captures the villain that was trying to take over the world. Our fantasy brains take us deep into that space invaders, action packed, breathtaking, death defying place that reality can't take us. We  in our moment of super hero glory safe the world from the onslaught attack of Mr Dark Knight.
Thank goodness God gave us a mind that can be so creative that we can escape into our on little dream world and no one else ever has to know. But WAIT!!! What if we could save the world or do something radical?

Let's look at a few items that stop us from taking the leaps of faith that quiet possibly could make the world a better place to live.

I am too old. If that is your excuse read about Harlan Sanders founder of KFC
I am too young. Does the name Mark Zuckerberg ring a bell
I have no money? I do not have enough space to include the names of the game changers that started broke
I am not smart enough. Friends if you can read this you are smart enough. If anyone ever tells you that get away from them fast
My family needs me right now. Your family will always need you but guess what, they really need YOU, the risk taking daredevil that you dreamed of as a kid
I am scared. That is natural and let's give God credit for placing that survival mechanism in us. It is also the facing of that fear that can move mountains

You get the point by now. You can make a difference in your own life and the lives of others. You are good enough, you are smart enough, and do have what it takes.

Look around you in today's society and check the people, places, and things that try to control your every move. We are told at an early age that there are certain principles in life we must adhere to so as to be a success. I AGREE, hear that screaming at you please. What I do not agree with is that we should give up control of our own lives to someone or something that positively does not have our best interest at heart. You want to control your own destiny then stand up and count yourself worthy to be the someone God knows you can be.

On your assent to the top it is critical that you encourage others to be the best they can be. When failure comes along use it as a springboard to your next endeavor. Others will shine a bright light on your shortcomings but trust me few will shine anything on your successes. We my friends as this momentum picks up steam are going to live the dreams together. Past will have no control over any of us. We will take our place in God's great kingdom and with a shower of love go forward and be the daredevil we left behind way to many years ago.

peace be with you


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