I know the title got your attention and that was the intent. But while we are on the topic who really is a Christian anyway? That is one of those subjective labels that gets used and misused all the time. I would almost bet that you have lashed out in thought or action with words such as "YOU MUST NOT BE  A CHRISTIAN if you act like that". This is one of my favorites "Oh I thought you were a Christian". Funny thing is when we do wrong or have a misstep we expect the Christian to do the right thing and forgive as well as forget what we did, but that is a one way street. We struggle to extend that same forgiveness when we are the victims.

The term Christian these days is being used in every single platform known to man kind. It can be politics, the stock market, weather patterns, war, bigotry, social movements, or anything we feel that we have a just cause and need the spiritual label to go with it. I view this as the money changers in the Temple. Sure they were opportunist but aren't we doing the exact same thing. We use faith based terms to raise awareness for our issues and often times we do it for financial gain. 

Flip this all around and look at the life you live. On the surface we walk like strutting peacocks with our halo's polished bright and shiny for all to see. We expect the moniker of Christian to be highly visible when others see us. What about the real you (me)? The person behind the feathers is all to often confused as to what the world expects of them. We try to be someone or something we are not and that incites a bitter division inside of us.

We were created to be the unique individual we are. I am not sure why we expend so much energy trying to be a second rate someone else instead of being a first class me (you). Let's stop the insanity that surrounds who and what we are. Let's live the life of love, peace, acceptance, and forgiveness. We can give permission to the world to label us however they see fit. I do believe in my heart when we act in love toward others that we are the true model of Christianity. I know I do not do a good job carrying around my label, well in my eyes anyway. Regardless I try to be a Christian the way I think the model was created to be. If I am labeled by others as something other than, well I will love and accept them too. 

Well I guess I can end with this, am I a Christian? If we are depending on the label it stands for in today's society I probably do not fit the mold. How about you? I say let's keep building momentum with the peace and love movement.

peace to you


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