Nick Vujicic

I love the quote "a bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can't go anywhere until you change it". Wonder why people do not change it? Not the tire silly the bad attitude. I often tell people that we have choices in life that effect just about everything. In some cases like your job you either live with it or get out of it but constantly complaining does not get you any points or favorable recognition.
How about people that are always doomsday speakers. You know everything in the world is bad, the sky is falling, and we are all part of some big bad conspiracy. Again this is where life is a choice. You can either buy into this and live in total paranoia and misery or switch gears and find the good in things and at least find some semblance of happiness. 
How about people that blame others for anything and everything. Absolutely nothing is the fault of the choices they made it is someone else that causes the pain and suffering in their lives. Folks let me be clear here, chasing revenge, harboring anger and bitterness will always cause you more problem than the other person. Get over it, life is too short and precious to waste on negative behavior. 
Nick Vujicic was born with tetra-amelia syndrome which means he has no arms and no legs. By most people's standards Nick has nothing. He spent the majority of his youth bitter and depressed because he could not be like everyone else. I recall listening to Nick speak to a group of youth one time and he told them that he could never hug his girl friend, hold hands, nor protect her, but he could love her. This man in his young adult life is now a motivational speaker and his mantra is "A life without limits". Nick has found a massive amount of grace in his life even though he has no limbs like the majority of people reading this. Nick shouts his love for Christ every opportunity he gets and is so thankful for the opportunity to influence in a positive way the life of someone else.
What about you? In what way do you influence those around you. Are you beaming with a love for life and respect for nature and humanity. The opposite is walking around with a frown like the world owes you something it doesn't. To be Christ like means to spread peace, love and goodwill while making disciples of all nations. 
Take stock of who you are today. If you live a life of misery and bitterness trust me it is unfair that others should share in it with you. Yes we all need to lift others up when they are down and help those that truly cannot help themselves. But to be a part of someone else's big bad pity party is not good for anyone. That is one party that is best for people not to show up to.
Life can deal you hurricanes and storms when you least expect it and it is ok to be down and depressed when things like that happen. There has to come a point in time though that you get up and get going with what you have left. God has provided you with a magnificent mind that can not and should not be wasted on hate it should in fact be built up in love. 
Make the choice today that no matter what you are dealing with you are somehow going to make it better. That little choice is yours. Along the way let's assume that Jesus meant what he said in the Lord's prayer "forgive those that have trespassed against you". Let go of the past and look forward to today and tomorrow. 

Life really is a terrible thing to waste. 

peace to you


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