I have a dream

"We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. "
-- Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Activist

I think this is a wonderful quote to start this reflection. I admire Dr. King for his vision of a united nation and world. It was his dream that we could all live together in harmony. I want to share some thoughts about my dream for a better place for all to be. 
I have a dream that someday evil will not exist in our world. I treasure the day that all people are viewed as children of God and not puppets of society. We were created different so that we could be united as one. It is in that oneness that my dream of unity got it's start. 
I have a dream that our divisions will promote an atmosphere of love and hope that bring us together in unity. Our peaceful divisions are what should elevate our minds to seek out new and exiting possibilities. This can only exist when we agree that our differences are what make us united. You see God created man and woman to be different so they could be made one. We must appreciate the different talents we all have so that we can all sing in beautiful melodic harmony. 
I dream of a day when we can share in the message of love centered world. The message that a carpenter named Jesus promoted over 2000 years ago. A message that this man gave his life for yet we take that same message and create an aura of hate. That dream can only exist when we see ourselves as meek and humble members of a community of love seeking peace seeking believers. 
I dream of a day when churches find a way to promote forgiveness and not cast themselves as the judges of society. I have a dream that our faith based institutions will someday stop masking the true agendas and once again go out and teach the members how to serve in their local communities.

I have a dream that someday peace will once again be at the core of everyone's being. I believe for this dream to happen I will have to be a better me. I will not judge, I will not hate. I will forgive all that I feel have harmed me. I pray that I too will be forgiven for those I have harmed. If a life devoid of forgiveness is a life devoid of love then right this minute love shall enter my heart. 
I have a dream to make the world a better place and I know it starts with me

peace to you


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