Pawn or participant

Are you a pawn or a participant? Interesting thought isn't it. Let's dive a little further into that statement and see what we can figure out. I am going to try to connect life, politics, and religion all into the same reflection. If I do so it will be a work of a master illusionist, if not call me just another magical want to be.

Think of all the money spent by political affiliations to sway your mind one way or another. Very few of us are privy to the actual facts which means we are left to assemble the propaganda in such a way that if we buy it we can recite it. This type of marketing has been effective for ages and will continue to be so. The truth is totally irrelevant because the goal is to move you into action with hype. The question for you is this, are you a pawn or a participant?

This speakeasy ire can raise eyebrows by many people especially beings that our country as well as our global family is on such unstable grounds. The polarization we are seeing and feeling is not merely political it is also faith based. The same pandering used to attract people to a party affiliation is also used to attract people to a particular church or religion. Why you ask, because in short it simply works. Well it works for a short amount of time anyway. Does this type of action place us in a hopeless situation? Absolutely not, matter of fact it places us in one of the most hopeful situations in our lifetime. 

Think about this, we currently have instant access to information, heck we know when a politician is going to sneeze even before he or she does. This speed of light knowledge leaves little to no time to discern if it is fact or fiction. If executed properly with the laser precision intended the facts are not important anyway. So how can I say that this can provide us such a hopeful opportunity to gain control of our lives. Let me place my spin on it in reverse fashion. I will provide the tools of unity and not division. 

What are some things that unite us all? Sickness, death, and loss of most types provide forms of bringing people together. The reason is simple too, because God created in us the ability to have heart felt emotions when people are most in need. Death and illness tend to bridge division in amazing ways. You have to admit it is comforting to help those in need, it actually gives us a purpose and makes us feel better than most of the other useless expensive activities we engage ourselves with. Now due to the same warp speed information we can go into action quick to help those most in need. This is a positive to our instant information society. 

When used in politics we have to find common ground. There are aspects of both parties that have huge importance to a specific person. Depending on your health, wealth, age, security, or whatever you have to vote for the person that you honestly feel best suited to help you attain your life goals. This is not division it is our right. We are not pawns we are participants. Do not allow the hype flying at you faster than a speeding bullet deter you from what your political goals are. You know what you truly and honestly need and it is your choice to align yourself with the person you think can best feel that need. This should never cause division to family and friend because it is their right to extend the same choice as it relates to them. 

I write often about church. I have called it a country club at times because so many times it is guided by the same set of rules as politics and it leaves the masses with a bad taste in their mouths. Once again it is important to be a participant in your church. If you relegate yourself to being a pawn you can be pulled one way or another by the faction that exerts the most strength or spends the most money. This deteriorates what Christ built up as his model of church. Our faith communities can only grow if they are built on love. Jesus makes it clear that the two most important commandments are about LOVE. He does not encourage us to plot ways to move people for financial gain, he simply says to love. Be a participant not a pawn when it comes to your faith. Going to church is healthy if you go for the right reasons. For many people the only message they will ever hear about faith is what they hear in church. It may not always be good but it is better than nothing. If you are an active love participant citing unity and not division I am confident you will be amazed at how quick our churches will grow. If we take the power away from the politicians in church and give it back to the people that show a genuine love for God and neighbor we will have to build bigger buildings. 

So goes with life itself. I, like you, hear so many people discuss what they think are the harsh realities of the world we live. They have little hope for the future and use all of their resources to make sure you see how hopeless things really are. I say bull to all that. Being positive may not change the world but let me just say it has a better chance than being negative. If you blame others for where you are in life then you bring yourself down to the role of pawn. You must be an active participant of love in your own life. Remember Jesus says to love your neighbor as you love YOURSELF. If you have no love for self then you will never be able to be an active peace participant in other facets of your life. 

The key is get involved with yourself and take control of your life. Trust me I have the rocks of heartache and despair thrown at me daily. I face the battles of who and how to vote, I struggle with where to attend church, I am often confused about making the right choices in life. What I am not confused about though is the fact that I have to be an active participant in all areas of my life. Please if you hear nothing else from me today hear this, love conquers all. You have the power within you to stop the polarizing divisions we all face. Respect one another, love your enemies, and by all means forgive those that have crossed you. You are not immune from sin yourself so be very careful where you cast your stones. 

peace and much love



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