I recall a song that I always enjoyed in church called "All are Welcome". Some of you may remember the lyrics that went something like this, "all are welcome all are welcome all are welcome in this place". The emphasis was on IN THIS PLACE. My thought for the day is this, how true are these lyrics in your life and in your church?

I would have to say most people attend churches that claim to welcome all people. BUT what does that welcome mat mean or include. Even before we answer the question about churches what does it mean in your life. I love the book "The Greatest Miracle in the World" by Og Mandino, it is about a ragpicker named Simon Potter. Mr Potter invites himself into the life of a senior business executive and begins to show him what it truly means to be a Christian and welcome people that were outside his social circle.

Life is about survival I understand that. We all to some degree attach ourselves to the people, things, or activities that will move us toward the results we desire. Those results are usually in direct contrast to what we say and do on any given Sunday. I find it rather interesting that in our faith based buildings we are generally nice and in some refer to each other as Brother Joe or Sister Susie. Outside that building when our reality show begins the welcome mat seems to get rolled up.

To be welcoming as Christ was means a culture change or a total life makeover. Let me nail this home a little better. If you are a devout democrat how did you feel about devout republicans during this last election? Were your thoughts an actions toward others what Christ would have been proud to see? How about this, in many churches across America there is still an air of segregation between all races. WHY? Is it because they are truly not welcome in this place? Think about that long an hard before sharing your thoughts. Let"s go deeper for just a moment, I often write about how the gay community gets treated. Do you honestly welcome the gay people into your church or cast them out as some sort of sick demonic group that has lost it's soul.

Some of those were a bit harsh I get that but the reality is that we are not welcoming. Christ made it clear that we should leave the 99 for the sake of the ONE. In our self preservation we cling to the 99 and hope the one moves on forever and doesn't come back. Not the model Christ placed on his followers that later decided to call themselves Christians. Jesus also made it crystal clear that he did not come to save the righteous he came to save the sinners. Last I recall that last statement included 100% of the people walking the earth yet some would elevate themselves to a false righteous status. The most familiar verse about this is when Jesus says the one of you without sin cast the first stone. In that story everyone turned and walked away and left Jesus with the adulterer. In our world we stand in line to cast stones, once again not an action that lines up with the model of Christ.

Now that your attention is focused whether it be anger at my words or sadness at your actions doesn't matter. What matters is you are thinking. I wrote yesterday how pride elevates us up the ladder and humility places down the ladder. Christ choose to step down while Christians for the most part choose to step up. Christ taught us that we should never look down at people we should look up. When we place ourselves above anyone we are not following the model of Christ.

As you go about your day or week I ask you if All are welcome in this place. It is time to stop calling ourselves Christians and start acting like Christians. Remember what I said a few weeks ago, when it comes to ourselves we want fairness when it comes to others we want JUSTICE. I say let's be fair to all and have an act of humility for ourselves. If you feel as though you have to lash out at others consider not saying anything at all. Ask yourself this as we close, do my actions draw people in or push people away. If I profess to be Christian do I walk the walk or simply talk the talk. In your church are you following the lead of people that condemn or are you paving the way to welcome all the sinners to join in a true worship of God's infinite love.

peace to you


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