God's love

It is a wonderful quiet morning to just sit and write. I find that my old wore out brain works best when there is no static or distractions close by.

I am enjoying a rather peaceful moment which allows me the luxury of reflecting on many of life's puzzling questions. Right now I am thinking about grace and how people see it. You know there are people that think they are better than they really are. Those people think that grace is or should flow up river to them. Then there are others that think that no matter what they do they will always be outside the grace of God. As a people of faith and spirituality this may seem a bit confusing but the truth is that it is really not complicated at all. Check out this crazy concept that will help bring this home. God loves you 100% head to toe. Regardless of what you have done or will do God plain and simple loves you. WOW that is a bold statement yet I say it with confidence.

For those of you that think you are better than you really are God loves you. For those that think they will never be in the favor of God guess what, he loves you too. Is life fair? Heck no and never will be. We think we want life to be fair if it favors us but when it doesn't we want life to be just. Life is life and if lived with a heart of love then we will feel the grace of God regardless

peace to you


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