Spiritual Roots

What do  you do when you just can't get your spiritual roots to take hold? You can play follow the leader and do what everyone else does. That brings us to the old cliche "what is the meaning of insanity"? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

What is your expectation when it comes to matters of spirituality and faith? Could it be you are lurking around where everyone else has been for years yet still struggling to plant the seeds of faith deep enough to grow. I have learned over the years that faith and spirituality are as personal as anything we will ever face. This is the heart of your character so please do not allow others to put their label on you.

It is possible regardless of health or age to get those spiritual roots growing. If you enjoy reading take some time to dive into scripture five minutes per day. Allow a Latin term "Lectio Divina" to become ingrained in your head. That simply means divine liturgy or how the scripture reveals itself to you. Start with the Gospels and read a few passages and just meditate. Allow the words to penetrate your mind without interruption. This simple act will pave the way to get those roots growing deep again.

Here is where I probably stir controversy yet I see so many people dying to self due to outside pressures of faith. Most people that claim to walk by faith have an idea of the direction others need to take. Now they struggle with that direction themselves mind you but they still love to offer up their wisdom. Steer clear of pressure so you can allow your spiritual individuality to grow.


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