Noise of Love or just Noise

Noise, the sounds of life can be deafening. Why does it all have to be so loud, oh wait the dang noise is coming from me. Can any of us hear anything anymore? It seems to me like we all need a static filter to get through the deluge of interruptions that alter our thought process.

It is everywhere and in everything. No matter what we do there is something else vying for control. Do we even know our own thoughts anymore. Before we slide down the greasy slope of blaming peope for the noise that blocks our actions lets first look inward to the noise we create in the lives of others.

Do you promote harmonious, peace, love filled music or do you spout out lyrics of division, self affirmation, ego driven, show off unfiltered screaming. Just reading that sentence again should produce some thoughts of what noise we put out. This obviously changes as life circumstances changes. As our self esteem ebbs and floes so might the beauty of our music.

The key to understanding the impact you have on others is whether or not you feel the need to control everyone's thoughts and actions. That may sound ridiculous but think about it before you cast stones. If we are all to sing in perfect harmony that means we have to appreciate the different voices each person has. I will never sing like you and you will not sing like me. In life that basically means you can't fit me into your compartmentalized box and expect either to be happy.

Let's move on to another noise factor while you are still absorbing that one. Is perception reality as the old saying goes? Is anything really reality? The world is so dynamic that what deeply saddens us today is probably the same thing we will rejoice about tomorrow. The friends or relationships we felt were so strong now may in fact grow distant in the near future. If there is a reality it would have to be that our thoughts and actions are simply that, they are ours. It is up to each of us to filter out the noise that distracts us from being anything other than ourselves. When someone tries to change us to fit what they want us to me, that is noise we do not need. That noise will damage the eardrum (life) quickly.

You may not believe this but there are people out there, and you may be one, that gets their adrenaline from the total manipulation of others. Most of the time the manipulator is not aware of what is going on and soon the victim of this noise has grown totally deaf to the wonderful melodic sounds of life around them. The manipulator shouts out loud how bad you are, or how no one can ever love you, or how much you need me (the manipulator). This action leaves a society of faceless people that hear nothing but static and have grown unaware that hope is in the sounds of love.

As off the wall as this reflection is I would like to leave you with this question. Do you REALLY promote the well being of others by filtering out the static in your own life. Did you catch what I just said, I did not ask you to filter out the noise in someone else's life to help them I ask you to filter out the noise in your life which will help you help others with genuine love.

Early morning thoughts from a spiritual ragpicker


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