Saturday Morning's

I always look forward to Saturday mornings because I get to share time with my wonderful friend Kevin. We sit and discuss the world in ways most people probably can't. We find common ground in our pursuit of peace and love. I so enjoy the simplicity of our conversations because they always bring hope and light to often times cloudy days. This week Kevin shared with me a life metaphor using a household closet as his analogy. I will try to do it justice. Thanks Kevin for your friendship and awesome life discussions.

If you are old enough, say over 45, you may remember growing up in a house that had very limited closet space. If you are younger you may still visit your grand parents house and wonder how they survived with little to no closet space. Back in the day, as us old folks call it, life seemed so simple. We had everything we needed to get by yet we had no excess of anything. There was no need for walk in closets all over the house filled to the brim with items we will never wear out or use up.

If you stay focused on the home for a few minutes consider what else changed about houses. If you recall older homes had large living rooms and front or back porches to sit on and enjoy conversation. It was a place for family and friend to talk without the noise and interruption of all the modern technologies. We knew our neighbors, we had chained link fences not privacy fences, we shared stuff, everyone cared about the well being of the other.

Now let's focus a bit on the modern house. Large walk in closets, sometimes two or more per person. Bathrooms larger than some peoples house, living rooms with big screen TV's so we do not have to indulge in conversation. The small quaint living room with the little fireplace has been replaced with the cold yet beautiful decorated to the hilt GREAT room that offers zero family unity. Our little picket fences have been replaced with larger even more private barricades to make sure our neighbors never see us.

Did life get better or more complex? Do we try to build relationships with our neighbors or hope they mind their own business while we do the same. Is life truly about getting more, having more, building bigger, growing larger, and becoming more private. I bet, if you are like me, you desire for the feelings life had years ago. The feelings of togetherness, unity, love, etc.

Sure I am using the house as the metaphor however you get the message. Our lives have become so busy yet our senses so dulled that we are like drug addicts. The only way we can get more satisfaction is buy more, build more, have more, make more. We do in fact try to mask that addiction with occasional acts of charity but the real you (me) is still present in what we have and what we do. I just wonder how great life could be if we were able to break the addictions that bind our lives. I guess this is food for thought next Saturday.

peace to you


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