
I have had so many emails this week commenting on some of my blogs. It is refreshing to read people's point of view on subjects we all think about yet few talk about. Right now it seems as though religion, faith, and truth are hot topics. It is a confusing time for people as the generation's collide or unite in spiritual collusion. I think it is healthy discussions when all parties give themselves permission to appreciate each others view on such topics. As I love to do I am going to share some thoughts as my mind twist and turns to explore the depths of our spiritual faith based religious existence.

Lately the news has been broadcasting religion and faith from one end of the spectrum to the other. I read a couple days ago where atheism is one of the fastest growing groups while main stream brick and mortar religion is dying a fast death. In contrast I see where Pope Francis ignited a spark of genuine love in Brazil last week in a move that seems to be putting new interest back in to the Catholic church.

As the millennial's continue to explore the possibilities that exist it also puts pressure on other generational groups to either stick their head in the sand or with enthusiasm give your own religion a litmus test to see how it holds up. We often hear discussions about the truths of the church. With the new enlightened generation the question becomes, who decided what was true and what wasn't. For the older generations, even though in the back of their minds they have always questioned the so called truth, fear has kept them silent. Now that the silence is broken and the sacred cow slaughtered good faith based discussions are starting to develop.

Where does this take us in our search for self? It takes our own individual journey to discover God in us. The journey moves swiftly away from the text book, man made, believe only what we tell you so called truths that keep masses under control. Is the cat out of the bag? I do not know the answer to that, I am like all the rest, I am searching and enjoying what nuggets I find along the way. What I do know is that more people are starting to realize that there is so much more knowledge to be gained.

Is religion in America dying? I don't think so and honestly I hope not. I do think in an air of transparency all religions have to be open to the discovery of God in our midst. Doctrinal dogmatic teaching is great as long as it has merit that can be fully substantiated. What I find, as do many of the people that write to me, the teachings feel good until you start to test the validity. It also makes you cringe when we are told to simply accept the teachings as truth even if they can't be explained. I am confident that God never intended for his followers to have to have a degree in life just to understand what religion tries to teach them.

Interestingly I have heard lately about groups of people across America that once again are prophesying doom. This has been going on since the day after Jesus' ascension into heaven. The end is near, empires are falling, corrupt leaders are proof, the weather patterns make it obvious, the famines, the economy, the this or that. All of this has been predicted for 2000  years. Granted if you predict enough negatives even a fool will be a prophet someday. The point is this, NOTHING is different and no man has a vision from God that gives them the warning signs of doom and gloom to come. Funny how these so called modern day prophets never predict good happy times. Oh wait, if they predicted that they could not control the minds and behaviors of others. For the record there is so much more good times than bad in this world. Remember THE WAY YOU SEE THE WORLD IS NOT THE WAY THE WORLD REALLY IS.

Can I prove that last statement? You bet I can. It is as simple as asking a person that has been told they have little time to live. All the sudden the drama and the weight of the world is not important. Packing good loving living into the time you have is of greater importance. I have personally witnessed people dying of cancer do things in their final months of life they never would have done prior to. It took dying to start living. The way they saw the world when they thought they were healthy was not the way the world really was. Once the got out of the way of the TRUTHS and the prophets of doom life became fun again.

What does all this mean to you and I? Who knows, what I do know is that I am going to keep growing and learning. I am going to keep exploring my relationship with God. I will keep forgiving myself for all the wrongs I have done, I will accept others for who they are, I will love my neighbor as myself, and I will smile everyday knowing I am living life to the fullest.

This was not written as a condemnation on religion, spirituality, or faith it is written to empower you to explore that which provides hope and gives you life again. We were not put here to suffer we were put here to prosper. If anyone or anything controls your ability to be the best you can be and they do so in the name of God please know that person or institution has an agenda other than promoting real faith and spirituality.
Find yourself, find God or find God and find yourself. Either way enjoy the search.

peace to you


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