You Better Think

You remember the song by Aretha Franklin "You Better Think". It was in the movie "The Blues Brothers". I loved that movie and the beat of the song. This morning while I was running I got to thinking about THINKING. I begin to wonder how often we actually think for ourselves OR we think by manipulation. I THINK one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to use our own mind.

I am by no means a doctor and certainly do not even know enough to be speaking about medical science. My brain however tells me that the mind is like a muscle in that if it isn't used it will atrophy. If that is the case, thought by manipulation places our mind in a category of a muscle that gets little to no use. Where does that leave us? Well YOU BETTER THINK.

As you know God gave us a mind to think with. It is ours 100%. It develops based on input from various factors but no matter what it is the only one we will ever have so we must take responsibility for the proper training. I often speak of taking the leap of faith. One of the most difficult task we will face in life is to jump off the mountain not knowing who or what is going to catch us. Our minds are trained to be conservatively responsible even to our own demise. In the Bible Jesus rewarded the radical free thinkers. He sought out the movers and shakers, he needed people that would take the leap of faith. Fast forward a couple thousand years and now we see people reduced to non thinking, non productive, and depressed because the world thinks for them. Don't believe me? Just look at how reading a post on facebook or seeing something on the news can alter your thoughts in seconds. Trust me the manipulation is there even though it may not be intended to be that way.

I know for a fact that there are people reading this that hope, wish, and pray that they could do something that would give them the strength to break free and think for themselves. I do realize that just writing about it does not give you the power to act. My encouragement is to force yourself to read positive stuff, exercise your body, slowly start thinking for yourself. Before you know it you will see the awesome person God created you to be. Remember few in this world ever learn the gift of living. Make sure you are one of the people that chooses to live life while you are alive. As you start your day keep saying to yourself over and over "YOU BETTER THINK".

peace to you


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