Give love a chance

It has been two weeks since I actually wrote a blog post. There was a time, in the not so distant past, that I was writing on a daily basis. I can't say I hit a writers block but I can say that I had some things on my mind that I felt needed a few days to work themselves out. I love to read positive, hope based, inspirational quotes and short stories. They always refresh my brain and keep my thoughts heading in the right direction. Then I make the mistake of allowing the news of the day to enter into my little brain. Instead of positive,  hope, inspiration, and love. I see all the things that divide people being blasted all over the media.
I am not writing this morning to blast the media or public opinion, so if you are looking for me to get on a platform that creates more division you are reading the wrong blog. What I do want to say is that our focus has shifted from one of love and unity to one of bitterness and divisiveness. WHY?

I don't have the why answer but I do have some thoughts that are swirling around in my unfiltered brain this morning. We all know that love unites, Christ made sure that was a clear message. We also know that the flavor of the day which usually changes hourly divides people about as quick as some of the silly conspiracy theories folks try to promote to either prove their ignorance or once again try to divide. If love unites why can't we learn to love more? If conspiracy theories and all the news of the day divides why can't we simply stay away.

I was reading yesterday an article about the rise in Atheism, now understand  I am not here to promote or condone, I am simply sharing a thought. The rise is interesting because at the same time the Christian population is diminishing. I think the reason is because people are no longer encouraged to explore their faith and spirituality. We are told what to believe, depending of course on the church you attend and the pastor you have. Spirituality is in us from birth, God our creator is part of our being and if allowed to grow I am confident the seeds of love will overpower the weeds of hate and division. Churches today seem to have to much focus on popular opinion or a political agenda that feeds the sharks to the point there is no love that exist. When politics is preached in church you can bet Christ is missing. I say that with confidence because if we always heard the love of Christ and his true message we would be able to sort out the other issues in our life with a properly formed conscience.

If, as a people of love, it was our goal to learn to explore or similarities and not exploit our differences I am confident more people would want to feel the warmth of a christian community. When we place our agenda's at the pulpit and we shout out in the name of Christ that you must do this or that or vote this way or that way people fade fast and the roots of Atheism will continue to grow. Does it have to be that way?

I think in an effort to spread love we must accept that the people on the so called right are good people and the folks on the so called left are good people. Also being gay or straight, black or white, male or female does not preclude you from the love of Christ and they are all good people. We are called to love, help, sure hope, unite, and explore the depths of our being in such a way that is not intimidating.

Mistakes, God knows we have all made them. I think that is why the Bible is filled with examples of people that made mistakes yet still became the messengers of God. In today's churches I see people that have made mistakes and for whatever reason feel as though they are no longer welcome. That is not the model set forth by Christ. We are called to forgive and when we do amazing things happen. Remember Christ came to save the sinners not the righteous. If you recall the righteous condemned, tortured, and crucified Christ, and guess what? They are still doing it today.

Love is the answer, how we promote that I am not sure. The only thing I know is that today I am going to love everyone and I hope you can do the same. Give peace and chance, heck more than that give yourself a chance.

peace to you


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