The Unforgiven

This morning while running up a long hill working toward my four miles I got to thinking about those times in our lives when we get emotionally hurt or we hurt someone emotionally. As I made my way up the hill then made the turn and begin my slow cascade down I started pondering what I will label as the unforgiving moments that make us bitter instead of better.

In life we learn from our mistakes as well we gain wisdom from other peoples triumphs and trials. Life lessons are what build us up or tear us down. As I got further into my run the heat and humidity noticeably where taking it's toll on my body. I was hurting yet still pushing forward. I pushed hard because I had a definitive goal in mind. Life is not much different, when we set out on a journey it is rather important that we have some idea of the destination. Along this pathway we will encounter all kinds of mental and physical obstacles that remind us that we cannot do it.

I bet you have met people that their goal was to hold others back or pull them down. It is so easy to get caught in this trap. Remember though when others say you can't HOPE is whispering in your ear saying "yes you can, give it one more try".

You see as I neared the final mile my mind really starting getting down and dirty with the people I have hurt in my life. I wanted so bad to ask for forgiveness yet I had not even ask myself or God to be forgiven. As I traversed that final hill I wondered how many people realize the pain of being the unforgiven. It is a mental and emotional hell when we bind those emotions not understanding the damage they are doing. If we believe in God winks, life lessons, or everything happens for a reason we must believe that the people that hurt us emotionally also made us stronger and better. Without the life lessons, without running up those hills, we could not live up to the potential God placed inside us.

I finished my run this morning with a smile on my face. I let go of so much bound up emotions that I felt as though I ran 20 pounds lighter. I forgave myself for all the harm I have done, what I remembered as well as I what I have forgotten. I forgave others that I felt had harmed me. I believe God gives us the ability to look at the people that come into our lives as messengers of hope even when they seem like demons in disguise. People enter our lives from all angles, some with an agenda, and some just passing through. Regardless what or whom they were or where the came from be sure to gain the wisdom and life lesson that was there.

I hope you will at least give thought to the unforgiven in your life. Take a close look and see if there is a grace disguised in what ever you are holding on to. Forgiveness is the gateway to peace for yourself and others. Give yourself a chance today, give yourself hope, give yourself peace, give God a chance by forgiving yourself and others.

peace to you


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