A conversation with me

As I write my conversation with the Devil series and my conversation with Christ series people often asked me if I believe what I write. There is a reason I always asked folks to read it as fiction or at least with caution. Writings such as this can either expand your thinking or contract it. I choose to expand my thinking as much as I possibly can.

Do I believe what I write? I will make this mornings blog about that question. I think to answer it I will have to go back in time for a few moments.

My spiritual journey, like most, has been through various churches, life events, and much reading. The journey has been a good one in totality however at times it was rocky as you can well imagine. When I would find myself in the times of life to where I was more religious than spiritual I, like you, adapted to the culture I was surrounded by. That was not a bad thing it simply contracted my thinking and left my deep questions unanswered. As  my religious trek ebb and flowed my spiritual journey awakened. As I moved away from what we can call main stream religion (yes I still go to church) I moved closer to who I am spiritually.

To the dismay of many I started verbalizing the questions I had in hopes of seeking a deeper understanding of who I am as well as who you are. The answers were always biblical and I honestly wanted more than that. If our earth is billions of years old and our Bible is a couple thousand years old, I wanted to know how our ancestors understood creation, life, death, heaven, and hell. I knew everything I was told or read would be somewhat hypothetical but it would also open my imagination. In my imagination my curiosity started finding answers. I learned to have enough courage to challenge the traditional thinking, that by the way changes every century.

It was obvious to me that with new churches, with new beliefs, with new charismatic preachers, preaching the same words in new ways, something was wrong. What nailed that home was how people move in waves from one church to another following new messages trying their best to understand their own spirituality and they are left in the dark with no answers. They, we, end up going through the motions doing what we think we are supposed to do to please the masses, always knowing in the back of our minds there has to be more to it than this. We are conditioned as you know NOT to think outside that box so we keep our thinking to ourselves.

Now, back to the question, do I believe what I write. To this point I believe in the direction I am writing. I believe in my heart that my spirituality is being awakened in new and exciting ways. I believe that the words I am writing about are gaining meaning to me. So far it has been lighthearted conversations with the Devil and Christ, what is about to come is pretty amazing to me. I will talk directly to God the creator. I will get answers to my questions that will make my spiritual journey and faith explode in ways I have never known. Do I believe what I am about to write in the coming weeks. Let's just say I am allowing my imagination to run with out rules or walls. I am inviting all the players to come into my mind and guide me in an effort to find the evolutionary meaning of life. I will say, this is my journey, and I encourage everyone to embark on their own.

As always though it is never my goal to harm people in their faith based, religious, spiritual life, it is my goal to help me explore mine. I love to share my journey because the people that write to me say how much they want to expand their thinking yet fear of conformity holds them back. I understand that, I just happen to have found the courage to move past it.

I love life, I love God, I love creation, I am thankful for what I have, I am thankful to the core for every breath I take, I am thankful for having been given free will to use the mind I have in ways I can solidify my relationship with God.

Let's go out and have a wonderful day, remember to smile because you just might be the only bright spot in someone's day.

peace and much love


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