Peace Love and Friends

Yesterday I went to the visitation of a wonderful lady that died of pancreatic cancer. She was only 56 and in my drive away I got to thinking, as I always do, about life an how it is taken for granted. I decided this morning after a good gym workout and some reflection to share some life thoughts.

For some reason this morning I could not get the tune out of my head to "With a little help from my friends". I think I will incorporate that into this little blog post.
It starts off, "what would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me". Consider that line in your own life as you look around focusing on the sins others commit. Are they singing out of tune, or are they singing a tune we do not like? That could stand true in our personal relationships as two people or families grow apart. The song changes, the tune changes, yet the question remains the same, "would you stand up and walk out on me". That line could mean thousands of things and each person could have a different application in their own lives. Are you walking out emotionally or has some emotionally walked out on you. Lonely days and lonely nights lead to confusion and depression. As I reflected on this I thought also about my friend that died of pancreatic cancer and the lonely battles she faced as her life got out of tune. Are others singing to you in a tune you do not understand or care to listen too? Are you singing a song in a plea for help and you feel as though no one is listening?

I love the next line, "lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song and I'll try not to sing out of key". That line could bring tears to your eyes. There truly are people that want to reach out and help us, their song may not be as melodic as we are accustomed too but the beauty and truth is there to the core. We focus so much in life on what we can gain materialistically that we lose sight of the heart of the matter which is love. It is not important that we sing out of key, the important thing is that we sing and bring hope to others which in turn can bring hope to us. "Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song", I promise the tune will be bad but the heart and soul will be more beautiful than the greatest singer could belt out. Sure I'll try not to sing out of key but I want to sing. There are times in our lives when friends with means below what we expect reach out when others pull away, when times are good we ignore them, even shame them, yet when times are tough we embrace them. What kind of friend did you turn out to be?

"Oh I get by with a little help from my friends". I hope you do too, friends are awesome whether life or distance separates us. It doesn't matter how much money you have, how big your home, how good or bad the clothes are you wear, what matters most is that you love the friends you have. That task becomes easy when you learn to love the one you are with, which is yourself.

Life is short folks and it can change in a moments notice. Embrace every minute of everyday with a passionate desire to live. Not live in a material world but in a heart shaped world full of love. Let us not focus on the sins of others, let us focus instead on their humanity so as to understand why others walk out when they should be walking in. Change is a wonderful thing and I would like to close by encouraging each of you to change your hearts today. Remember the way you view the world is not the way the world really is. Share a sign of peace and love and provide hope for all you come in contact with.

peace and love


Anonymous said…
Dale, I love the song and I love your words. They are true words, inspiring words, comforting words. I, too, went to her visitation. I knew her very well and I know she would approve. Thanks.

Phillip P.

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