Peace, Love, and Hugs

You have heard people say "what you see is what you get" haven't you? You might have even heard this one too, "I speak what is on my mind". In reality neither of these statements are true. Beings that we are trained to see with the eye's and not the heart, we never see the real person, which in turn makes it even more difficult for a person to be the absolute best they can be. Whether we like it or not we live in a time of fear, we live with our guard up all the time. Why?

Consider my era the 70's, yes it was a peace, love, and freedom movement. We all basically accepted each other for what and who we were. Color, gender, religious affiliation was all transparent to us, what was our common bond was the love of life and humanity. As the decades progressed, technology advanced, and people could hide behind email and texting, the world lost it's ability to genuinely love. When love became absent the daily media filled it's slot in our minds with total paranoia to the world around us. Our focus shifted from loving and accepting to cynical and bitter. In a matter of seconds our opinion of something or someone can be changed simply by an instant news flash across social media. It doesn't even have to be true to effect our thinking, now our minds switch to the "what if it is true" or "well it could be".

With that being said we do live in an amazing time of technical advances. Even though we do not hold hands anymore, we do not talk face to face, we do not hug, we do not share trusted secrets, we do however have hope. I say that because I am seeing a generation of people seeking to find the love of a time gone by.

Not so much the relationship love, but the love of life. We are living in a period of amazing information that can be used in positive ways if we allow it. I find hope, in that I am seeing people question their faith in spirituality again, not in an effort to disprove it but in an effort to prove and embrace it. I am seeing people leave the ego driven, power driven world of material accumulation and moving toward the more fulfilling life of sharing, helping, volunteering, donating, and giving of their heart and soul. These were things that were possible but not as probable before the advent of the information age.

I share all this to say that even though I love the 70's and what it meant to me learning to love humanity, I also love the current time in which we live. I am learning to love life in new and exciting ways. I am learning to share and give of my heart like I did many years ago. I am learning how to reach out and touch people again without fears of getting to close. I am learning to let my heart do the walking through this life in the hopes that new dreams will be created, new endeavors explored, and new meanings found.

Seek out who you are, once you find what drives your passion never accept anything less than giving all you have to live it. A life is a terrible thing to waste but I think a life not lived might be worse. Instead of living your dreams through others, step up and be you. As I say all the time you were created with love, endowed with the seeds of greatness, you were born an original so DO NOT die a second rate copy of someone else. Let your light shine before all because you are The Greatest Miracle in the World.

peace and love


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