Life Love Humility

I have given lots of thought lately to humility. It is one of those character traits that we all struggle with yet it can define or refine us in ways that nothing else can. Humility is not only the gateway to love it is also the bridge to life. Without humility love cannot manifest itself in us in such a way that makes life worth living. 

All to often you hear people talk about their weaknesses, yet not enough is mentioned about their strengths. If we are ever to love ourselves in humble ways we first must learn to acknowledge where our talents lie so we can accentuate them. Arrogance and ego drives us to focus only on our weaknesses which leaves little to no time for our strength. Consider for a moment if a football coach sit down with his field goal kicker and said, "Mr Kicker you are really lousy at being a line backer, so we are going to work you hard in that position and put you on the front line to see if we can overcome areas you are weak". If you know much about football you know that there is a huge size difference in a kicker and a linebacker. If the kicker decided that he had to work hard to become a linebacker his skill set in both categories would obviously go down. So to with life, if we spend our time working on that which is not our true talent ignoring where our gifts are we will most likely never accomplish our potential. 

We are all given a piece of God from birth, it is his gift to us. In that gift comes a natural disposition of love. Our strength from birth is LOVE. Our weakness from birth is HATE. With that being said God intended for us to work on our strengths and allow it to manifest itself into a life. We were born to be humble, we were born to accept people, we were born with emotions of love. Anything beyond that is environmental and learned. If you focus on hate, revenge, bitterness, jealousy, envy you will never experience your greatest gift because you lost focus on your true strengths.  

To many lives are wasted when attention is placed in areas that diminish who we are. We were truly built for accomplishment, we are endowed with the seeds of greatness, but it does take constant work on our part to create the wonderful being we were born to be. Life isn't about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself. If you find your life going nowhere or maybe you feel as though your life doesn't matter please consider why you are even here. You are here because you matter, you are here because you are the greatest miracle this world has ever seen. Your strength has been identified, take the time to let go of areas you are weak and focus on where you are strong. Your weaknesses (hate, bitterness, jealousy, etc) pull you down, while your God given strengths (peace, love, humility, acceptance, and forgiveness) lift you up as well as those around you. Does a humble character make a difference? It is the difference in winning and losing or living and dying.

peace to you


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