The Hidden Secret

You realize that you can never fly high as long as you keep holding on to the things that are weighing you down. The problem is that sometimes the things that are weighing us down we think are going to help us fly high. There seems to be a tad bit of mental illusion or confusion going on that keeps us grounded without us even knowing it.

It is no secret that everyone has a story, not good or bad, just a life story. In each story there will be humps, hurts, and hurdles, but there will also be joys, fun, and sun. Within our life story there lies a hidden truth that propels us forward or holds us back. That hidden truth is what I would like to explore this morning.

We are conditioned in life to slow down, analyze every move to the point of paralysis by analysis, wait for a signal from God, conform to the misery of others, be someone you were not intended to be, etc. Basically from our earliest accounts of childhood the conditioning to be like everyone else starts. That conditioning can bind you for a lifetime of mediocrity or it can lead you to a bitter rebellion. Either way when we are taught conformity in such a way that robs us of our true self, we miss the life we could have lived. The great part it is the hidden secret can give you a new chance at life.

What is this hidden secret I mention? It is so simple it is scary. Learn to accept where you are right now, forgive yourself and others of everything you have done, and here goes...........DO SOMETHING TODAY that your future self will be proud of. One of the greatest problems in life today is procrastination. The second biggest problem is life advice from a miserable person. Your life can get better starting right now. You can make a decision to let go of the hate and bitterness toward others that is weighing you down. If you want to fly high let's cut the cord on that which tethers us to the ground.

Look, life has amazing value, more than you can ever imagine, but it isn't going to come to you, you have to go get it. Contrary to popular belief God is not going to direct your life, he gave you a mind, heart, and soul to do that. Do not wait on God to open doors, because you will be waiting all your life all the while missing out on all the wonderful opportunities life has blown your way. The God factor is learning to LOVE yourself so you can love others. Anything short of love will weigh you down and weigh down people around you. You have to unbind others in order to unbind yourself.

Obviously as I stated above everyone has a story, which means you do to. The cool thing is up to this point we have allowed others to co-author our life story, from this point forward we are holding the golden pen that will forge the rest of the book.

No question that breaking the chains of yesterday will not be easy, so start slow, but start. The key is to do something. Do not wait for a sunny day, because life can change in an instant. Time will not stand still for you. It doesn't take money to start dreaming, it takes accepting and forgiving. Everything you need to make a better today and tomorrow God gave you from birth. Use what you have and start shedding excess life debris and you will start floating higher than you ever imagined. You can't do this halfway and test the waters, you are either in or out. Jesus spoke explicitly about being luke warm in the Gospels. When it comes to directing your life in a new course you have to burn your boats at the harbor. Go forward with so much love that the world will wonder if you are on a new drug. Do not allow any form of rage, bitterness, jealousy, or judgement to hold you down. God is love and you were made in the image of God which means you are love too. If you are not casting out an aura of love than you have been harden to a conformity that takes you away from being the real you. Being the best version of yourself is an expression of God an shows him that you believe that you are the greatest miracle in the world.

peace and love


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