Comfort Zone

I love quotes as most people know, here is a good one that leads into a wonderful blog that will make you think. "What you want most in life is on the other side of fear". Or this one too is a thoughtful message and a good lead in, "hope is one step outside your comfort zone".

So how do we face fear and step out of our comfort zones? Interesting questions to say the least and one I just decided to tackle in a most unorthodox way. I think before we can face fear or seek hope we have to decide what we want out of life. We have to find or figure out our purpose for being so we can find a passion that will breath life back into the walking dead. We question everything in life from, why are we here, is there a God, does life ever get better, etc. We all face those life questions in the silence and recesses of our mind yet we seldom allow them to surface so as to deal with them. Hence we cannot face our fears. 

We live in a society that tells us how we should act, how we should worship, what marriage should be like, who to vote for, where to work, how many kids to have, etc. We are molded into something that is proven not to work. If there was a poll that would give us percentages of people that were truly happy with life I bet the results would be staggering. I think most people are stuck in a rut so deep they can't see the light of day. As they fall deeper the walls get closer to the point they (we) are frozen in fear yet comfortable at the same time. 

It is hard to live a life of meaning when we are too busy conforming to a life that is proven not to provide happiness. Think about this, people go to church to get a message of hope, yet the leave and go back into a hopeless world. Then they repeat time and time again thinking that one day some way God is going to show them the magical path to joy. That my friends is not going to happen. It is about like living in TN and driving east hoping to get to CA, no matter how much you pray if you drive east from TN you are not going to get to CA. That same thing applies in life, if all we do is pray for a better day yet we do the same things that cause us misery then we are not going to find happiness. It is time to stop the conformity and face our fears and step out of our comfort zones. Work through the pain of change until you get to the peace and love of a world you yourself develop. 

If your life is a mess internally or externally and you struggle to be who you truly are I urge you to find the courage to step out of where you are in order to get on the path of where you desire to go. Life is not hopeless, matter of fact it is very hopeful. What is hopeless is being someone other than who you are, really are, or living a life of misery when happiness is just a change away. 

I believe in breaking the chains of bondage and I also believe in living for today. You can't write the next chapter in your book if all you do is keep re-reading the last one. STOP living for yesterday and start living for today. Life is worth living the moment you choose to live it. You are by far the greatest miracle in the world today, what lies behind you and what lies before you pales in comparison to what lies inside you. Do not allow your fears and comfort stop you from being the best version of yourself possible. It is time live and live you shall do.

peace to you


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