From the heart part 1

There have been plenty of times over the years of writing this blog that I wrote what I thought was popular opinion. It wasn't necessarily what I felt, it was more what I thought others wanted to hear. My heart was in my writings but not completely. Over the last couple of years I let my guard down and started writing more from my heart, still not in totality but closer. I, like many, feared what others would think about me if I exposed my true thoughts. Recently, over the last few months, I have written more from the heart than ever before. Still though I masked the tough subjects,  you know the one's people love to create division with. Over the last few days as the emails poured in from people responding to my blog I decided it was time to let go and trust where my heart, mind, and soul take me. We are not only guarding who we really are, but we can never reach our highest potential if all we do is allow a low percentage of our true self to be exposed.

As most of you know I genuinely enjoy writing about peace, love, forgiveness, and acceptance. It is what my heart is passionate about and where I feel my purpose in life resides. I found that I could not write with integrity if I guarded my deepest thoughts about the subject matter. So in an effort to write with honesty I am going to address the age old topic about life, love, happiness, and being true to self.

I think to address this fully I have to share my thoughts on God within us. I go against popular culture simply because it does not make sense to me, as it doesn't to most people. Most religions of the day try to promote everything but love. If you watch the news or look at church marquees you will see how they try to sway opinion instead of move lives. The focus is more on politics, finances, discipline, doctrine, dogma, rules, but not to much on unity, peace, and love. Sure it is often times disguised as love but it doesn't take long for the truth to rise to the top.

In order to love we have to accept that which we are. We have high compassion for people born with disability because we can see that externally. We accept it as God's will that someone was born with an affliction. Even worse we explain it away as "God never gives us more than we can handle". That is easy for someone to say that is otherwise normal, but what about people that are different than we are internally. The differences we can't see yet can't accept either. I am a firm believer that we are born with all the aspects of love that God can give us yet over the years we LEARN how to be bitter and hate people. We hate that which we can't understand. Think about your thoughts  in regards to people of different races or even sexual orientation. Do you think about them with love or contempt. If we have deep true compassion for humanity then we have to accept people as they are instead of how we think they are.

I personally think that we are taught to divide people not love. Why, because love unites and that creates fear. We live our lives in such a mess because we try to fit the mold of which our churches give us yet misery is at an epic high. With all the 1000's of churches each teaching something just a bit different it is no wonder we can't live a life of peace and love. We live in absolute confusion to the point we complicate simplicity. Love is simple but gosh darn we even put conditions on it to where it is more complicated than war.

I believe that we should all learn how to love and forgive. We should encourage taking risks and stepping out of the comfort zones that we live in. We should peacefully challenge anything that does not make sense yet we are told to simply accept. If the shoe does not fit, do not wear it. If you are unhappy, you know why, so fix it. Maybe you did something in the past or maybe are still doing it that you are not proud of it. Trust me we all have and most likely will again if we live long enough. Life isn't about our mistakes it is about the wisdom we gain. Stop focusing on the last chapter in the book and start writing a new one. Yesterday;s mistakes are tomorrow's lessons. They provide us with knowledge we would not have had.

Sure there are people that will challenge me on that and say "Dale what if my spouse cheated on me". My response is going to be, "what if they did". Trust me somewhere in life you have cheated something too. You are not without sin and never will be but you can  be someone that promotes love in all situations. Is that hard? Damn right it is because we are taught all our lives how to be miserable and how to react but we are not taught how to love and forgive.

Happiness is a choice believe it or not as is loving yourself. You are where you are by choice so make the best of it. Let your heart guide you with honesty and integrity. Your true thoughts do matter even if they are only exposed to you. The deep questions in life are worth exploring. You know the one's I am talking about. Do not accept life as it is but do accept people as they are. The world as you see it is not the way the world really is. God created the world with love and created you with love ANYTHING else but love is something we have learned. It is time to build bridges and tear down walls. Start with building a bridge from your mind to your heart. The wall that divides you from who you truly are has to go and go now. Life is a terrible thing to waste especially when you are doing it while being someone you are not. Remember you were born an original which makes you worth so much more than a copy.

peace to you


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