In the living years

I always look forward to sitting at my computer writing my blog. It is my time to let my emotions make their way to words. This morning is one of those times that I struggle to find adequate words to convey my feelings. I am thinking about how much life we miss in the living years. Is that something you ever think about?

I can't speak for you so I will  just speak in generalities about how I feel right now about life. Every day I get emails from people that can't seem to get life on track. The well intentioned advice of family and friend has made the situation worse not better. What is left are memories of what we once dreamed life would be. Think for a moment about the people you have lost in your lifetime. Maybe it was family, friend, or co-worker. Whomever it was a part of you was lost too. Why didn't I say more of how I felt, why didn't I help more, do more, share more, why couldn't I have just been a better friend. We get so consumed with our own lives that we lose sight of the fact that other people have lives that influence ours. We miss the opportunities to do all we can in the living years.

Life is dynamic whether we like it or not. There is nothing static at all because time never stands still. Relationships create wounds that leave us wondering if we can ever heal a broken heart. We elevate people to heights that there is no way they can maintain. When they fall from grace a piece of us falls too and all to often nether ever recovers. Why? Because we are not taught how to forgive in the living  years.

Do you ever lay in bed at night and face the lonely truth about life. Not the lie you live during the day but the real truth that eats at you when you are alone with your thoughts. It is those moments in time that will define your future. It is those exact moments that will breathe life into you in the living years or drain you of every emotion you ever had.

I know that many people view their lives as a hopeless merry go round that is impossible to get off of. I am a martyr to my misery that was self created. I have to say as I sit here that I have faced every rut, pit, wall, stone, regret, blame, and anything else that stopped me from living in the moment. But then I realized that the only chance I have to live is to do so in the living years. When we die it is too late which leaves us with only one choice and that is to live now.

Sure this is just a blog written by some over positive guy sitting at a computer. That is true but let me just say that I write from the depths of my heart and soul with the hopes of bringing love and life back to everyone. I have made every mistake known to man yet as of right this minute I am alive to appreciate another day just like you. I, like you, can choose to live it in regret or I can choose to live it in hope. Broken lives can be mended as can broken hearts, broken souls, and broken hope. It takes the will to love and the first person we have to love is ourselves. Stop the bad memories that hold you back and try hard to let go of the things that have you tied down. Do not pray for the end of time instead pray for the beginning of a new you. Nothing defines you any better than your hope for tomorrow which gives you your power in the present.

Now let me sum this up. In order to live life in the living years you first have to let go of that which is killing you. What kills us is holding on to grudges, fear, jealousy, envy, anger, hate, bitterness, and anything else that robs you of your love for life. You have to know that your life is worth it's weight in gold. I believe so much in the power of love, the power of peace, and power of forgiveness. I believe that no matter where you are in life and what is holding you back that you can start right now and create a life that will make the living  years worth living. You may be down but you are not out. Believe in yourself and with humility and gentleness in your heart believe in the love that forgiveness can bring. What are you going to do in the living years? I hope you plan to start living them today. It doesn't take much effort to learn to die but it takes heart and soul to learn to live.

peace be with you


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