Questions from the mail bag

I have had so many email questions over the last two days that I decided to answer some of them in a blog. I will share the first names of the people asking the questions.

Parker from FL
Do you think God talks to people?
NO I do not think God talks to people Parker. I personally have never received a phone call, text message, or any verbal or written ques that God was talking directly to me. Matter of fact, I would probably be labeled as delusional if I told someone that God spoke to me.
Let me rephrase the question, do I think God communicates with us? I would have to say yes by what we may call coincidences in life. God created us with free will which means he does not dictate our lives. Our lives are our choices. I do think there are road signs along the way that if taken serious could provide us with assistance but at the end of the day it is our life to do with it as we chose. God created us out of his agape love for humanity, the rest us up to us.

Denika from RI
Why do you dislike religion?
Good question Denika and the answer might surprise you. I do not dislike religion, matter of fact if they promote peace, love, forgiveness, and unity I love them.
What I do however dislike are religions that have an agenda outside of love. It is obvious if you just look around that there are lots of people living in total misery. Anxiety and depression medication have skyrocketed over the last 20 years. In conjunction with that church membership has taken a nose dive. I think people are finally fed up with all the political, media driven, money hungry churches that promote themselves in the name of Christ yet only help the ones that believe what they believe and do as they say. Churches are like businesses that fail, turn on your lights, unlock the door, and expect people to walk in.
I believe that too many churches have lost focus due to what I will call membership competition. Especially the members with money. If you don't think money drives what churches do and think just sit back and be observant.
I love to see churches that promote true love, true forgiveness, and true acceptance. You see Denika if you judge someone you have no room to love them. I see way to much judging going on in churches as they decide who fits and who doesn't. If you recall in scripture Christ offered the rich man the keys to heaven but he walked away because he would have to give up his possessions. In our churches today if you are rich you get buildings, walls, rooms, windows, and pews named in your honor. Money paves the way. Not really but you know what I mean. See Jesus also says that he came to save the sinner not the righteous. Yet too many of our churches today elevate the righteous and basically ignore or condemn the sinner. Once again if you do not believe that just ask some of your friends why they quit going to church. Many will say that church gives back only if you put something in. The people in scripture that Christ came across most were not looking for him, he found them. I love the parable about the lost sheep where Christ says who would not leave the 99 for the sake of the one. I do not see many churches seeking out the lost sheep. They claim the do but the focus is more about protecting the sheep they have with little to no regard for the so called black sheep that would not adhere to their rules.
One thing is obvious we have it wrong in the direction we are going, I think love and peace is the bridge that will bring together vast divides, not more of the same that only makes the valleys deeper and the canyons wider. Once we totally understand the power of love we will understand the power of peace.

Sarah Beth from Nova Scotia
Why is there so much hatred in the world, I mean the world just gets uglier all the time and it even makes me hate it?

Great question and thank you for asking. Hate, as I have written many times, is a learned behavior. Love is something we are born with yet it doesn't take long for the life lessons to start taking their grip. We are taught at a young age how to hate, judge, gossip, lie, cheat, steal, etc. We are basically taught how to live against our creation. It is lessons passed down from generation to generation. They didn't work years ago and with the snowball effect gathering momentum they do not work now either. We hate people that look different, think different, vote different, act different, attend different churches, etc.
Sarah Beth did you know that most of today's problems could be solved if we left out negative opinions of others? When bad things happen to good people our moral compass and conscience will usually guide us if we allow it too. But when we get friends and family involved all the sudden you get the "I know what I would do if it were me" syndrome and things start spiraling out of control. All the sudden the pressure to act outside the norms of peace, love, and forgiveness have more power than you can withstand. Decisions are made, words are said, actions are taken, all because of the influence from others. Then misery sets in, hate prevails, bigotry picks up steam, bitterness wins out, and a sad life ensues.
Conversely if we allow our decisions to be based on love, unity, bridge building, peace, harmony, and good will I believe you would be amazed at what could happen. People make mistakes Sarah Beth pure and simple. We are taught to expose those mistakes so the sinner will not be able to do it again. That is not good Christ like advice. We should unite in mistakes and work to forgive. Remember we too make mistakes, we too need forgiveness. Even churches of today act in such a way that does not promote healing.
I could write about this forever and wish I had the time to do so. I am just a firm believer that when we allow others to influence our behavior in bitter ways all parties involved lose. Even when you walk away from a problem you can walk away with love and peace in your heart.

I better stop or I will be writing for days. Love the emails and please keep them coming.

peace to you


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